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At 8:30 sharp in the morning, the Genesis GV80 rolls around in front of the swanky corporate office of Kim Solutions. Valet quickly marches towards the car and opens the door. Stepping out of the luxurious automobile is the CEO Kim Taehyung.

Dressed in a crisp business suit in a shade of bleak grey that is tailored perfectly for the man. Expressions not giving away anything but the body language exudes intense power and confidence.

As the CEO enters the building, he sees his secretary, Choi Ari waiting for him near the elevator door. As always, an elevator is already waiting for him, along with Ari holding a tablet in her hands.

Upon entering the elevator, Ari starts detailing CEO's appointments and important meetings for the day. Ari is almost done with her brief before she pauses, hesitating to say something. Taehyung raises an eyebrow, indicating Ari to speak up.

"Mr. Park called up last night to remind that his son will be coming today for the interview with you." Ari speaks up with a clear swither in her words.

"No need for the interview when clearly Mr. Park is shoving his son down our throat. Just arrange an interview with Hobi Hyung and ask him to place him at reception or something. Just keep him away from me." Taehyung's words are laced with annoyance.

Taehyung steps out of the elevator when the door opens to the top floor but after taking a few steps ahead, he notices that his secretary is not following him. He turns back and finds her standing near the door with mildly panicked expressions on her face.

He strides back towards the elevator with one hand in the pocket of his pants and one adjusting his tie. He steps near the door, putting his hand at the door frame so that it doesn't close.

"What?" The CEO asks irritatedly.

Taehyung is always intimidating, twenty four hours a day, especially to his subordinates. However, right now he is at Intimidation Level Ultra Pro Max, making it impossible for Ari to speak up which in turn makes the CEO all the more annoyed.

"Ari, I'm not a mind reader. Speak!" he states frustratedly. Taehyung hates when people waste his time. His morning hours are precious, he doesn't want to waste them on this unessential conversation.

"Mr. Park specifically asked to assign his son as Business Analyst, reporting directly to you. His exact words were 'I want Taehyung to take my boy under his wings and teach him everything about our business.'. " Ari replies nervously.

Sungho Park is one of the prominent associates of Kim Solutions. They have been doing business with each other since the inception of the company. Park's company was already an established empire when Taehyung launched his start up.

Their association has been mutually beneficial, however, for Taehyung's start up, associating with an already established company proved to be a boost to his success. People in the market trusted the start up more because of Park's name associated with Kim Solutions.

Park Sungho knows his value for Taehyung's business and he takes advantage of the fact, all too often. Hence, Taehyung's annoyance is justified.

The fact that Jimin is essentially a rich spoiled brat just adds fuel to the fire. Taehyung has seen the brat in action in many of their business parties and social events. Jimin is the epitome of carelessness with a fickle mind and unfiltered mouth.

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