The Master and The Tiny King

Start from the beginning

"Have fun in zero gravity." Replied Gibbon showing the monkey her tongue, mocking him.

The monkey struggled for a few seconds before he grinned, causing Gibbon to feel alarmed.

Sadly, the feeling was useless as nothing could've prepared her for the monkey turning into a bird and flying into her face.

"Get off my face!" Yelled Gibbon as the monkey turned back to his normal form.

"Then put me back on the ground!" He replied pulling her hair.

"You demonic jerk!" She yelled before turning her body to liquid.

Slipping out of the monkey's grasp, she slithered towards the window like a snake. But, the monkey caught onto that and quickly kicked a pot over half her liquid body and used the window as leverage to keep it pinned to the floor.

With the spell's time limit reached, Gibbon was dragged to the pot to reform her whole body at once. A safety measure made to keep her from losing parts of her body.

"HA!" Laughed the monkey victoriously before he slipped into the air, allowing Gibbon to escape from under the pot.

The monkey wasn't about to let Gibbon escape, but that's what she was gunning for. Sparks of electricity bounced all over her fur.

As soon as the monkey touched her, he was electrocuted. But he didn't even flinch. Instead, he double down and hugged Gibbon's head causing her to be electrocuted as well.

Everyone in the temple was able to hear the noise by now, yet no one even tried to see what was going on.

Only one person appeared. An old man who calmly entered the storage room to the scene of two unconscious electrocuted monkeys laying on the floor. The old man didn't react, like he knew of this beforehand.

He grabbed the two monkeys and calmly left the storage room with the two in hand.


"Ugh, where am I?" Gibbon said as she groggily woke up. "And what happened to that crazy monkey?"

"I don't think you're in any place to call him crazy." Gibbon heard a voice that made her freeze. "You yourself aren't that ordinary, miss reincarnate."

Gibbon gulped as she turned to the owner of the voice who appeared to be an old man.

"How do you know that?" Gibbon asked in fear.

"I'm Master Subodhi. There's little I don't know." Replied Subodhi calmly. "I've been looking out for your little escapades over the past few years. And I must say-"

Gibbon weakly smiled under the gaze of master Subodhi.

"-Would you like to become one of my students?"

Gibbon let out a sound of confusion in surprise.

"You have so much potential, but are limited by your own boundaries and arrogance." Subodhi continued.

"Pfft, arrogance? Really? Ha! And boundaries? What are you even talking about?" Gibbon mocked.

"Arrogant because you believe yourself to be the smartest there is." Replied Subodhi calmly.

"I AM the smartest." Gibbon corrected with a frown.

"Perhaps. But intelligence is useless without wisdom to carry it." Replied Subodhi calmly. "You'd be capable of doing more if you thought more about doing what you should than what you could."

"Okay, I don't need this sagey speech from a random old guy-" Gibbon said as she tried to leave before Subodhi blocked her path.

"Which gets me to my second point, your boundaries. You distance yourself from others and refuse any meaningful interactions with them, no doubt a result of your old life."

Gibbon growled under the gaze of master Subodhi as she snarled. "It's- not. UGH! It's none of your business! You don't know what I've been through! You don't you know anything!"

Subodhi didn't reply and instead pulled out a scroll from inside his sleeve as Gibbon began leaving.

"Seems your intelligence is exaggerated." Said Subodhi calmly as he held the scroll.

"Oh, so you're insulting me now?" Gibbon asked in exasperation.

"YOU ARE the one turning down access to rare archives owned by the greatest master of all time because he's trying to get you to open up a little?"

Gibbon froze as Subodhi continued.

"You could've just humored this old man until you learned everything then promptly left. But it seems this idea managed to pass by your immense intelligence."

Gibbon felt a figurative spear go through her heart as she realized Subodhi was right.

"You also could've also tried to strike up a bargain as even I don't have some of what you know." Said Subodhi sending another figurative spear through Gibbon's heart. "And-"

"Okay, okay! Stop! I get it!" Yelled Gibbon. "I'll be your student, but only until I've learned everything I can."

"That's how it normally works." Deadpanned Subodhi calmly striking a final figurative spear at Gibbon. "Before we begin, do you wish for a new name? Gibbon isn't exactly the-"

"Gibbon is good." Said Gibbon noticing that Subodhi said nothing about her old name.

"Very well. Now, you'll be given a training partner. Someone to compete with while you're here."

Gibbon tilted her head curiously. "Who could that be? Not to brag, but not a whole lot of people can compete with me."

"I'm sure you'll find him to be quite a challenge. His name is Sun Wukong."

Gibbon turned stiff. "Say what now?"

Sun Wukong? The monkey king? THE MONKEY KING?!

She didn't read Journey to the West, but she heard that monkey king was very powerful and is immortal*20 or something.

"Uhh, can we talk about-"

"Oh, he's here." Subodhi cut her off.

Gibbon turned to the door with fear in her eyes as a silhouette approached the door.

That fear vanished when she saw that it was just the monkey from before.

"Heya, master! What did you call me f- YOU!" Wukong yelled glaring at Gibbon.

"Ugh, you?" Said Gibbon with a frown.

Was this before Wukong became super powerful or was this kid just some other monkey called Wukong.

Gibbon assumed the former as she didn't hear any wind of another Wukong.

"Congratulations on becoming training partners." Said Subodhi nonchalantly.

"WHAT?!" Exclaimed Wukong in shock. "What did you do?!"

"What did I do?! You think I wanted the training partner with a peanut for a brain?!"

"What did you say, long arms?" Wukong replied angrily.

"Is that your best insult, cause I'm proud of these arms. They're good for beating up dimwits like you!"

"Oh, we'll see about that!" Wukong exclaimed before pouncing onto Gibbon for an attack.

As the two fought, the building shook with each impact leaving Subodhi to wonder if he did the right thing.


Question, should Baboon meet child Macaque? This'll lead to Macaque gaining some new powers on top of his old ones.

Tell me how I did. Leave a review.


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