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it was belly's birthday today. she was turning 16. every birthday she had, she spent at the fishers' house. we had always celebrated with her. susannah made pancakes every year, and then she would open all her presents.

i crawled out of bed and headed downstairs with a gift bag and a card. susannah had almost finished the pancakes. as i walked in, conrad looked at me. he kept his eyes on me until i looked over at jeremiah. he was looking at me already. i felt my heart flutter, remembering the night before.

"okay, you guy. the pancakes are done. get ready to sing!" susannah said, lighting 16 candles.

we all sing happy birthday to belly and eat our pancakes. belly and taylor make small talk, and the boys don't say much.

once we finished, we all handed belly our presents. she thanked us and gave everyone hugs. she told us about nicole, her deb ball sister, hosting a party tonight, and we were all invited.


that evening everyone got ready. belly and taylor got ready together, while i did alone. i did my makeup and put my hair into a high ponytail, i loosely curled it. i threw on my skinny black jeans and a tight long, sleeve black top.

as i was lacing up my platform, black converse conrad peaked his head in.

"you excited for tonight?" he said.

i smiled, "you gonna fight another guy?"

he laughed, shaking his head. he stepped fully into the room and shut the door behind him. he pulled a bottle of vodka out from behind his back, raising his eyebrows at me.

i smiled and grabbed the bottle, unscrewing it. the two of us took turns drinking from the bottle. i felt the liquor in my mouth, it burned, but it was a good burn. familiar.

we chatted while drinking for a while. i was feeling it before we even left. jeremiah peaked his head in the door, "hey, you rea-" his eyes moved to the bottle in conrad's hand, "vodka!" he said, coming into the room. i heard stevens feet on the wooden floorboards as he ran into the room.

the four of us sat drinking. i held back and let them do most of it, as i didn't want to get too drunk. i still wanted to be aware. once they were ready, we got belly and taylor and all headed over.

the girls had flower crowns on that susannah had gotten for dinner.

once we arrived, the girls ran off to nicole. steven ran off to find shayla, and i stayed with jeremiah and conrad. conrad grabbed us all a drink from the table, and we stood in the living room, all talking. i saw cam come in and waved him over. he came and sat on the couch with us.

belly came into the living room and sat down with cam. jeremiah got up and grabbed something from the corner of the living room. it was a karaoke machine. he smiled as he turned it on, testing the microphone. he started singing summer nights from grease.

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