The Past Is Closer Than You Think

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Eclipse and Luna stayed near the cabin that night and when morning came around Eclipse took Luna to (Y/N)'s grave. Both of them were silent once they arrived, Eclipse placed her head on the headstone, a single tear slipping down her face. Luna simply watched from a few steps back, she couldn't wrap her mind around how a simple human could have this much of an effect on her mother, even after death. When they finally left the grave site, Eclipse could tell Luna was itching to explore the forest. 

"She deserves to explore on her own."

Eclipse allowed Luna to roam on her own under the condition that she stay within earshot in case of danger and be back before sundown. Luna nearly jumped with excitement and dashed off into the forest without another word spoken between them. Eclipse stayed where she was, watching Luna until she couldn't see her anymore. She knew this wasn't the smartest idea but if Luna was going to wander around alone she would prefer for it to be in an area she was familiar with. Eventually, she turned and headed back toward the cabin, not in any real rush, she hadn't caught wind of any threatening scents since they had arrived. 

Luna ran through the forest, stopping to inspect any unfamiliar scent or object.

"How are there so many things here!?"

It was about an hour and a half before sunset and Luna was still getting distracted every couple of steps. Meanwhile, Eclipse was laying on the ground, next to Owen, who was cleaning his gun on the step of the porch. The government was starting to get a better handle on hybrids but they were far from safe. Eclipse's gaze kept shifting between the forest and Owen.

"I know, it's not gonna do much good against a hybrid but it's better than nothing," Owen stated, not looking away from his gun for more than a second. 

Owen stopped and followed her gaze when she offered no response. 

"You big softie," That earned a growl, "I'm sure she'll be back soon."

She turned her head away from him for a few minutes before the scent from the day before once again filled her nose with a newly shifted breeze. She was on her feet in seconds, pupils shrinking to slits, sniffing the air, and flexing her claws. Owen gripped his gun tighter as he rose to his feet, not daring to say a word. Suddenly, a shriek rang through the forest.


Eclipse took off at a full run and by the time Owen called after her, she was already out of sight. Eclipse couldn't figure out how it had gotten past her but she decided that she'd worry about that later. Time seemed to slow down, she felt like she wasn't moving fast enough like she'd be too late.

Then she saw it. 

The brown mixing with gray and fading to black across the scales. The spiked tail. A few feet taller than her, with striking similarities to the Inodminous and Indoraptor. And the detail that set it in stone. It's right eye, glazed over with a scar diagonally through the middle. There was no doubt, Eclipse knew it from the moment she smelled it but tried to deny it, this was the hybrid that had killed (Y/N). And now, it had her daughter pinned underneath itself.

Eclipse let out a near earsplitting roar, drawing its attention from Luna to her. It's one good eye narrowed on her, it remembered her too. 

"This won't be like last time."

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