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Eclipse followed Owen all the way back to the cabin but refused to leave the relative safety of the forest. Owen attempted to convince her to come closer but retreated to the house when she continuously refused. A few minutes later, he returned with some meat for the two of them.

"Colt will be here soon, just hang around here until then," Owen told her.

Owen stayed on the porch, watching the two of them from a distance. Eclipse kept pacing around, watching for any threats. Ever since (Y/N) died she had been more on edge than ever, but who could blame her? About 20 minutes later, Colt arrived, the team had been disbanded after (Y/N)'s death but they all stopped by from time to time. Although, Eclipse was still hesitant to let him near Luna. 

"You know I'm not going to hurt her," Colt teased.

It was pretty rare for Colt to have treated Eclipse during missions but it still happened on occasion. So, Eclipse slowly took a few steps away from Luna and resumed pacing around the area, keeping a close eye on them. In the end, Luna got a clean bill of health and after a conversation with Owen, Colt went on his way. By the time Owen turned back toward Eclipse and Luna they had already disappeared into the forest.  

Eclipse kept her pace slow enough that Luna could keep up with her but Luna got tired out long before they reached their destination. Eclipse circled back behind her, nudging Luna with her snout. Eclipse did have a nest, although it had been built after (Y/N) died and no one knew the exact location of it. They still had plenty of time to get there but Eclipse wanted to get there as soon as possible. However, Luna wasn't even 24 hours old yet, so the fact that she had managed to run this far was surprising. When she was still in her egg, moving her from place to place was easy, but now, no matter how gentle she was her teeth were sharp enough to hurt her. So, they continued their trip at a slow pace. As they walked, Eclipse began to explain things to her daughter in their own little dinosaur language. 

By the time they reached the nest, Luna knew about (Y/N), Owen, Blue, Beta, and the biggest threats in the world around them. Their nest was well hidden behind a tangle of trees and bushes. Luna didn't bother exploring the area but instead curled up in a ball and fell asleep. Eclipse stayed near the entrance, just in case. As it began to grow darker, an old memory made its way to Eclipse's mind. It was from when she was young, only a week after she had hatched, the day she had been moved to the Raptor facility.

 There were only a few small windows in the building but through them, it was easy to see that it was night. Then the door opened and Eclipse's little head snapped toward it, this was the first time she had been completely alone, and every little sound was new and scary. She cowered behind one of the artificial rocks near the corner. 

"Eclipse?" A gentle voice rang through the darkness, one that even at her young age, Eclipse could recognize easily, (Y/N).

Eclipse let out a tiny roar, running out from behind the rock, and stumbling over her feet.

"Shh," (Y/N) whispered, holding a finger up to her mouth.

"I'm not supposed to be here, but it's your first night somewhere new and I didn't you want to be alone. I figured you'd be scared, I was scared my first night alone on the island," (Y/N) explained.

Eclipse didn't know what an island was yet but she was just happy that she wasn't alone anymore. She had her mother, that made everything right with the world, what more could anyone want?

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