Hope for Happiness

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{A/N: Requested by @lil_BlueFizzie ; Hope this lives up to your expectations!!}

Y/N's POV:

Being Tony Stark's favorite, if not only daughter, his only child in general, means many things. For one thing, there's a distinct difference between my genuine smile and the one I give when standing between my parents or the Avengers for a press conference. Also, it means having to put up walls to ensure I only ever trust the right people. Not only did my dad pass down his brown eyes and photogenic appearance, but thanks to his not-so-secret identity, he also inadvertently gave me a wide range of archenemies at the ripe old age of 17.

Luckily, it also means I can make friends in the most unlikely places, like the New York City sewers. Exactly nine years ago today, I took a wrong turn on a walk through the park with my godfather, Colonel James Rhodes, AKA War Machine, and stumbled onto four anthropomorphic turtles. Since I've seen your fair share of oddities living in Stark Tower, I wasn't afraid of their unique appearance. Within the next eight years, the 5 of us have become fast friends; I've met Splinter & April, the Turtles got to meet their favorite superheroes;

{A/N: Any guesses as to who that might be for each Mad Dog?}

Also, the Avengers & I have kept their existence a secret. Not only that, but I might've also developed a hopeless crush on the blue-clad turtle in the last two years, which brings me to tonight.

I enter the lair with a smile, hoping to spend time with my favorite boy in blue, and get some help on your upcoming Spanish test, only to find Leo's room empty and walk off to Mikey's room to find him & Casey doing some arts and crafts.

Me: "Hey, guys. Where's Leo?"

Casey: "He's out helping April with something."

Me: "Oh, really? Just the two of them?"

Casey: "Yeah."

Me: "No reason. What's he helping her with?"

Mikey: "Don't know. Why do you ask?"

Me: "No reason."

Mikey & Casey share a knowing look before turning to me with identical smirks.

Mikey: "Are you sure about that?"

I raise an eyebrow in confusion before turning to Casey in surprise.

Me: "Cassandra!"

Casey: "I couldn't help it. Before I met you guys, I didn't have a lot of friends, and Raph says you shouldn't keep secrets from friends. I only told Mikey because he's the first friend I ever made. Besides, isn't it better that I told him rather than Leo?"

I pause before nodding in agreement.

Me: "Fair enough."

Mikey: "Relax, Y/N/N. Your secret's safe with me? Does anyone on the team know?"

Me: "Nat figured it out when it started because she's a super spy. And Mom figured it out because, and I quote, 'she's my mom'."

Mikey: "And an amazing one at that."

{A/N: Shoutout to my amazing mom Megancatrina }

Being the Mad Dogs' team sweetheart, Mikey's gotten along with Mom from day one, and she's rather fond of him as well.

Me: "Thanks, Miguel. So, what do you think I should do?"

Casey: "I think you should keep it a secret. But as I said before, I didn't have a lot of friends before I met the Mad Dogs. Also, if I had done the same thing, Splinter wouldn't be here, and I still wouldn't have any friends."

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