Confession | Bang Chan

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It's understandable that sometimes we do something unlogical just because of the unbearable feelings that overflow and craving for feedback from someone who was messing us up and living in our heart rent free. It was foolish how we threw away our ego and being out of our mind just for a simple attention.

We were sneaking and trying hard to make it not obvious but we actually can't hide it. We were craving for a slight eye contact but then needed to hold our burning cheeks as it happened.

And here's my case: how could someone make me dumb just in a split second?

It's him, the one I've been talking about to my friends, the one that lives in my heart rent free. Some of my closest friends said how dumb I've been these past months just because he was in the same class with me again. Everyone knew he was playful and attractive, it made him have a lot of friends, and there will be no chance for me to get close to him since he never talked to me either.

That pity side of me just could stare at him from a distance. Because someone like me would never deserve his beautiful smile. I couldn't imagine my figure being by his side.

And then there was a rumour that he was currently in love with someone lucky— no, someone that deserved to be loved. But no one knew who she was. Some girls said that he had loved her since last year, and it never changed. That's so sweet of him.

And stupid me for accidentally would be the first girl to know about his crush. I didn't have time to prepare for a broken heart. I wasn't ready yet but— why the hell did I stop ? Why the hell did my ears suddenly stick to the door ? God, I just arrived at my class after helping my teacher in her office. I didn't mean to overhear because I had to take my bag that I left in the class. There were some voices from the inside that made me turn into freeze mode.

His voice. I heard his voice.

"Chan, how long do you want to keep it huh? I know you like Y/n"


"She just left the class, her bag's still here. What if you give it to her and then confess ?"

Confess— ?

"W-what? I like Y/n ? Please don't make me laugh."

Oh yeah I knew they're just joking.

"Said the one who's turning into tomato."

Some boys, his best friends, laughed at him. And I didn't hear any objection out of his mouth again. My fingers were shaking. My body turned cold. Did he—

"Okay, okay! I admit it, I like Y/n! You're all satisfied, huh?"

like me ?

I leaned on the door, and didn't even realize a squeaking chair sound and growing fast steps. And along with the laughs inside, the door opened. My body hit his chest. By reflex his strong arms grabbed me. As he probably realized it was me, he took his hand away and stood with head down.

"Since when were you here?" He gulped, right hand on his nape.

"M-maybe five minutes ago."


We both stayed in silence. I was staring at my own shoes, but didn't know about him. Everything was getting uncomfortable as his friends were teasing us. I couldn't hold in this situation anymore. I should go.

"Excuse me, I want to take my bag—"


He held my arms.

"I know you heard everything, Y/n. So I want to— "

"I don't understand what you are talking about."

I needed to pretend to not overhear those talks but his eyes were staring at me. I tried to walk away but he didn't release me. Please, I wasn't ready. This couldn't be real.

"That's okay." His voice softened. "Let me make it clear."

Please stop.

"Y/n, I— uh, I like you a lot. Maybe you don't realize that since we never talked to each other, but I like you since last year. I'm sorry for telling this not at a proper time."

That's impossible.

"You must be kidding-"

"I'm not, Y/n."

So, it's me. That girl was ... me ?
So I was the girl from the rumour ?
So I was the girl he liked ?

"You... like me ?"

"Hm." He nodded like a little kid caught stealing candy. His breathing was unsteady. A loud heartbeat sound went through my ears. "I gave you signs."

Ah- I was probably engulfed in my thoughts of insecurity so I didn't realize about the signs he had shown me. But now the memories rolled back in my head : many times we accidentally stared at each other and cowardly tried to stop the tie. Maybe that was the sign. I wasn't sure. I could be wrong.

"Y/n, I'm sorry. I know you're bothered by my feelings. So it's okay if you don't have the same—"

Oh no. That's not true !

"Chan, I like you too!"

I cut his words, brave enough to confess my own feelings. My eyes still were not ready to face him, drowning in the silence I just made. I was waiting for him to at least gasp, or maybe be shocked. But I didn't hear anything.

"I know." He chuckled.

"W-what? How do you know?"

"You know, if two pairs of eyes always meet continuously at the same time, it means they are fated for one another."

I wasn't wrong. He noticed about stupid things I did. He noticed my silent craving for a little eye contact. He noticed my feelings. I would say that's embarrassing, but worth the 'hard work'.

"O-oh, you noticed it."

"You make it too obvious, you dummy." He smiled, patting my head.

"I'm not dumb!"

His shy giggles went through my ears. And now I could listen to his beautiful voice everyday. I could have his smile from a short— or probably no distance.

My heart was full, and I would cherish every moment with him everyday.

"Then, Y/n, I think I'll always hold your arms from now on."

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