Honeymoon with Cold Husband | Hyunjin

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[Warning : Slight 18++ talk]

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"Hyunjin-ah!! Look ! That's the sea!"

You ran towards the coast, occasionally wetting your feet with waves. You thought Hyunjin would catch up with you, but it turned out-

"Hyunjin, come here!"

"Hmm," He walked slowly and approached you with a straight face.

"You don't like the sea, do you? Sorry if I forced you," you said with pouting. Seeing Hyunjin's face like that, of course everyone would think he doesn't like the beach.

"I like it."

"Really? Yayyy ! Then, let's stroll around!"

"You can go, I'll stay here"

You just smiled a little then went back to running around the beach and looking for shells that you thought are beautiful. Hyunjin just remained standing alone , looking at the sea and playing with his phone. You were 100% sure, people around the beach would think that 'the woman is really annoying, surely her husband doesn't really like the sea but is forced to accompany her'

"Hyunjin!!" You called out to him while running towards him.

"Yes, Y/n?"

"Let's have dinner, I'm already hungry. Where are we going to eat?"

"It's up to you"

"Uhh okay, I think I know a good restaurant"

Hyunjin just nodded and walked towards the car. You just smiled while looking at his back. Yes, Hyunjin was your husband whom you just married yesterday. This evening, the two of you just got to the beach for your honeymoon- to be more precise, the honeymoon planned by your both parents. Of course they forced Hyunjin who initially didn't want to. They wanted to have grandchildren quickly!

Hyunjin was cold, but you loved him. Yes, you were sure Hyunjin and you loved each other. You knew, Hyunjin just didn't know how to express his feelings. Even when he was proposing to you, he remained flat-faced.

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Arriving at the restaurant, you and Hyunjin ordered food and ate in silence. Sometimes, you were the one who's just trying to talk, even though he only answered briefly.

Right now, you just returned from the restaurant toilet and were about to go back to Hyunjin when suddenly a man greeted you.

"Hi, excuse me, do you have some time?"

"Uh- yes."

"You're so beautiful, what's your name? "

"I-I'm Y/n."

You were so shocked. You never get a compliment about yourself from a man, including Hyunjin. He never complimented you. Of course a simple compliment like this made you very happy.

"Oh, Y/n. May I have your number? Or maybe we can take a walk around here?"

The man immediately grabbed your wrist and pulled you roughly, you flinched and tried to let go of his hand.

"Come on, babygirl. Don't be shy."

"Let go of me! Uuh- Hyun-"

You tried to say Hyunjin's name, even though you were sure Hyunjin wouldn't hear you. But you couldn't control it, you were scared and kept calling Hyunjin's name while crying. The man just kept pulling you into the parking lot and-



Hyunjin suddenly came out of nowhere. He hit the man, made him back away and immediately ran holding his face.

"Y/n, are you okay?"

You just cried and nodded, making him immediately hug you, "Let's go to the hotel."

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"You, why are you too innocent? You have to be able to take care of yourself ! How could you be tempted by a man who pretends to be sweet like that?!"

Hyunjin scolded you, making you cry even more. Yes, sometimes Hyunjin was scary when he's angry, but he never scolded you like this.

"Just being called beautiful makes you excited right away?! You are very troublesome !"

Your patience was running out, you clenched your fists tightly. You couldn't stand Hyunjin's coldness anymore. Why didn't he at least do something special on your honeymoon?

You walked quickly towards the door, intending to leave. Unfortunately, he was faster and stronger to hold you. He blocked your way.

"I'm going out, Hyunjin!"

"What do you want ? Still looking for a man who compliments you about your face?"


It's up to you to say I'm stupid or what. I hate you."

Hyunjin gasped, lowered his head and trembled. Slowly, he led you to sit on the edge of the bed. He then kneeled in front of you. Holding your hand, he looked down. It wasn't long after you heard him sobbing.

Wait, didn't you hear wrong? Hyunjin was crying?


"Sorry, Y/n. I'm sorry. Don't hate me. I-I don't know and I'm not used to being sweet. I'm sorry for hurting you. I was very jealous earlier and stupidly I even scolded you because I was afraid and worried that you might get hurt. Forgive me. Please don't hate me, Y/n. Don't doubt my feelings for you.

I really love you."

You widen your eyes, surprised by all the words Hyunjin said. You were still processing it all, but you came back to your senses after his sobs got louder and louder.

"Hyunjin, stand up, sit next to me."

Hyunjin got up and sat next to you, still with his face down and sobbing softly. He sits stiffly, scared to touch you out of guilt. But when you took the initiative to hug him first, he immediately pulled you. He hugged you possessively, burying his face in your neck. His sobs got louder, making you immediately rub his back.

This was the first time you saw the most vulnerable side of him. Showed the weakness that had never been seen from him who had always been cold and strong. And now you knew, only you could make him like this. You were Hyunjin's only weakness.

"Hyunjin, I'm sorry too. I didn't mean to say that. I don't hate you."

Hyunjin broke the hug and wiped his tears. He had calmed down even though his eyes were very red.

"I'll change, I promise, Y/n."

"It's okay, Hyunjin. I love you just the way you are. Don't force it, okay? But if you want to, I will support you."

He smiled then pushed your body slowly. Made you lie down with him on top of you. He kissed you slowly. Yes, this was your first kiss with Hyunjin.

"H-hyunjin? WHAT ARE YOU DOING?"

Your face reddened, making Hyunjin giggle. Damn, his smile made your face redder. He just kissed your neck and your shoulders. Apparently, this day made him more possessive to you. Well, you liked the possessive side of him. Of course, you felt more loved.

Hyunjin looked at you with a seductive expression, meant to tease you, "Remember our parents' wish, right? They want us to go home with a little new family member." 

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