Prologue 1-1: Awaking and WTF are you/ am I?

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(A/n: Okay so a info before I get started. This is for the summoning scroll that was given to Naruko mentioned in last chapter. The scroll more or less revolves around a certain trouble making creature when I watch playthroughs which mentions of him being alone ever since he can remember and I thought as to what that reason might be. I hope you enjoy my reason for the fanfic.)









'Morin' already?' I thought as I opened my eyes. As I slowly opened my eyes. I blinked a few times to focus my blurry sight. I saw what looked like a lid to a coffin.

'Why am I in coffin?! What's that noise?' I thought slightly panicking.



"Grrrr! Crap! I better hurry up and find that uniform before someone spots me... Urgggh... The lid weighs a ton and people are coming!" Said a gruff voice. 'Huh? Who's that? Hurry get this open!' "Time for ... my secret move! Guwaahuhh~ There !"

Blue flame surround me as the flames blasted off the lid of what I believe to be a coffin. I close my eyes and put my arms in front of my face.

'"F-f-f-fire!!'" I screamed, both out loud and in my head. I slowly lifted up head as well as open my eyes after a minute or two of not feeling the heat of the flames. When my eyes opened halfway I saw what made the blue flames while taking in the room we were in, which is a room full of coffins just like the one I'm in. Confirming I indeed am in a coffin. To my surprise it looked to be either a cat or raccoon. Then it spoke not to my surprise.

"Well now, well now, time to grab the goods... Huh, gyaaaaーーー!!!! You, why are you awake already!?" Said the Raccoon-cat, with wide eyes when he realized I was awake and staring at him

"What the fuck are you? A talking raccoon-cat, perhaps?" I spoke loudly in confusion with wide eyes myself.

"Who's the raccoon-catーーー!!!! I am the great Grim-sama, you know! Oh, well. You, the human over there. Give me that uniform, and be quick about it! Or else... I'll roast you whole!" Said the Raccoon-cat, now name Grim. It seems that this Grim didn't like being called a raccoon-cat, even if he looks like one. He made a show what he'd do.

Not wanting to test if he would. I jumped out of my coffin that I was laid in by the mysterious figure that pull me in the mirror. I ran as fast as I could while trying to figure out where I am. I yelled out, "Catch ya later, Furball! I'm outta here!!"

"Hey, come on! I'm on a tight schedule here!" He hollered as he again made a show. He then give chase.

I ran through a hall way into a classroom then out a window of the classroom through a courtyard and finally into what appears to be a library. All the while dodging blue fire balls he threw. I knew from the heat as they missed.

"Where do I go now?!" I said as I looked around in a panic while thinking. 'Am I in the library of whatever this place is?! Of all the time I need The dame Fox, it hibernating after healing me so many months ago!'

Through my panic state I didn't really notice the raccoon-cat had caught up with me until he spoke.

"Foolish human! Did you really think you could get away from ME?" He said as he put his paws on his hips. "Now, unless you wanna get burned to a crisp, take off that..."

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