A First Date (Goldric)

Depuis le début

He patiently waited for the Blight, readjusting his gloves as he waited. He had been taught to be patient when he was little, so he would just occupy himself by fidgeting.

His gaze wandered around the backyard, admiring the beautiful garden they had. The garden was decorated in rose bushes, a few different flowers sprouting from the ground. Hunter was familiar with flowers, studying random things from time to time when he didn't want to study wild magic. His favorite flower was a night lilly. They were a beautiful shade of black, with purple stems. They reminded him of the nighttime.

As he was admiring the beautiful set up, the backyard door opened, shifting Hunter's gaze over to see who it might be. To his surprise, it was the male Blight kid, Edric. He had been suspecting Emira Blight of the notes, due to the dainty handwriting, but it had been the middle Blight? He was not expecting that.

Hunter let out a sigh as Edric approached him. Edric had the biggest smile on his face, clearly excited. Edric had even gone as far as to put on a bit of makeup, to insure that he would look perfect for the occasion.

Edric held out his hand, "Hey! I'm Edric! It's really nice to meet you! Face to face, at least."

Hunter gently pushed Edric's hand away, "You're the Blight who's been sneaking notes into my uniform?"

Edric nodded, "Mhm! Sorry if it came off as creepy, I just thought that it would be a sweet way of talking to you."

Hunter crossed his arms, looking Edric up and down. If he had to admit it, he would say that Edric came off as a cute boy. But that was about it. "And what were you planning for this evening?"

Edric hummed, his smile becoming slightly more awkward, "I was thinking that we could explore the woods? It's really pretty at night!"

Hunter tapped his foot on the ground, "And dangerous. Do you know how many beasts could be out there?"

Edric giggled, clasping his hands together. Hunter could see that the Blight had his nails painted a soft blue, matching the Illusion coven's color. "I've actually been looking into beastkeeping- it may be good to know if you're in a bad situation!"

Hunter narrowed his eyes, "So you're saying that you study wild magic?"

Edric blinked, "Oh, no! No, no! I'm just studying basic safety to make sure that I don't get hurt when I'm exploring!"

Hunter pointed his staff toward Edric, "You wanna know what else would keep you from getting hurt? Not exploring."

Edric gently pushed the end of the staff away from himself, "But that's boring."

Hunter rolled his eyes, "You're a stupid witch."

Edric smiled, gently poking Hunter's chest, "And yet, this 'stupid witch' convinced the Golden Guard to meet in his backyard." He replied in a teasing tone.

Hunter narrows his eyes, his cheeks burning a dark red from embarrassment. "And I'm leaving." He huffed, pushing Edric's hand away and turning away from him.

Edric quickly grabbed Hunter's wrist, not harshly- but just enough to hint that he didn't want Hunter to go. "Wait- sorry. But can you stay? Just for a bit. I wanna get to know you."

Hunter pulled his wrist away, glancing toward the Blight. The taller male seemed to have a genuine interest in him.. and the apology was innocent enough. "Fine. I'm giving you an hour, then I'm leaving."

Edric's signature big smile returned after Hunter said that, "Alright! An hour is enough time!"

Hunter hummed, "Enough time for what?"

Edric chuckled and leaned toward the smaller male, "Enough time to woo you." He teased.

Hunter rolled his eyes and pushed the Blight back toward where he originally stood, "Uh-huh. You can try your best."

Edric giggled and gently nudged the guard, "Do you wanna just stay out here? I saw you admiring our garden."

Hunter glanced around, "It's taken care of quite well."

Edric nodded, "My mom's had people from the plant coven come here for as long as I can remember. As soon as the plants stop doing well on their own, my mom hires people to care for them. She wants to keep a perfect family picture."

Hunter blinked, looking toward the taller Blight. Why had he given him so much information on such a futile subject?

Edric smiled, looking to the blonde, "I like your hair! I never knew the Golden Guard was a blonde. Mind if I call ya Blondie?"

Hunter narrowed his eyes, "I'm the Golden Guard, and you shall refer to me as such."

Edric chuckled and shrugged, his hands entering the pockets of his pants. "Whatever you say, Blondie."

Hunter huffed and looked away from the taller male, he didn't quite enjoy Edric's defiance of his authority. Although, he also admired the carefree spirit of the Blight.

Edric hummed and looked up to the sky, "I like the stars. They're beautiful." He whispered, it was such a simple topic that he didn't know much about, but he wanted to see if he shared something with the guard.

Hunter hummed and glanced toward Edric, "Do you know any constellations?"

Edric shook his head, an awkward smile spreading across his face. "No. Even if I tried, I can't see them. Mittens has tried to show me a ton, but they just don't show for me."

Hunter gave a small nod, his gaze shifting to the sky. "I've never looked into stars. They never really interested me. But, I must agree with you, they are quite beautiful."

Edric smiled, stepping a little closer to the guard. He gently poked the blonde's golden mask, "I can't know what you look like?"

Hunter shook his head, pushing Edric's hand away. "It's against the emperor's demands. No one is allowed to know my identity."

Edric nodded slowly and smiled, "Alright. Well.. I'm sure that you're handsome."

Hunter blinked, his face burning a dark red underneath his mask. "Oh- uhm, well." The guard cleared his throat, "You're quite charming yourself, Blight."

Edric giggled, a soft pink spreading across his cheeks, "Thanks, Goldie!"

And so they kept talking, the time passing by quickly.





Eventually, as midnight hit, both had realized the time, retiring to their dwellings. Both boys had silently agreed to meet each other again. They found that they had more in common than they formerly believed.

(Let me know if I made any mistakes! Love ya! Sleep well, and I hope you all have sweet dreams. <3)

Goldric/Huntric Oneshots!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant