"Bonnie, it's only their first night." Shadow Freddy chided in a tone you could only describe as teasing and incredibly insincere. "We can't make moves on them too quickly~"

You scoffed, jumping off of the desk and landing on the floor beside your bag. You turned back only briefly to reclaim your folder of notes before busying yourself with organizing your stuff. "I couldn't be any less interested even if you tried." Ensuring that your taser was firmly attached to your belt, you faced the shadows again. "So unless you also wish to answer my questions, Bonnie, then I will kindly ask you to leave."

"Aw, but pumpkin~" He drifted the rest of the way into the office, solidifying bit by bit until he was laying splayed out on top of the desk. "It's not fair that only Freddy and Mr. Tall Dark and Edgy get to see you~ C'mon, let us show you around! I promise to be cooperative once satisfied~"

"Thank you for the offer, but I think I will hold to my decision to finish my conversation with your partner first," you responded firmly.

"I'm flattered you wish to remain in my company alone, dear." You narrowed your eyes at the bear as he smiled calmly. "But I do seem to recall offering to introduce you to the other phantoms that lurk within these halls. Now that you've met Bonnie and Springtrap both, it's only fair that you meet the rest of our lovely residents."

"And I seem to recall this chat with you being a test on whether or not I could offer you any semblance of trust." You retaliated coldly. "We had barely begun our discussion when your friend here interrupted, so my answer is still exactly the same as it was five minutes ago."

Shadow Bonnie propped himself up on his elbows to face you more directly. His eyes, much like Shadow Freddy's, were a piercing white that glowed all the more brightly against his black fur. More prominent lashes and generally larger eyes gave him a more expressive face, as evidenced by the puppy-dog stare he was currently giving you. "Come on, pumpkin~ You're only the second night guard. And the first fresh staff member we've seen in weeks!" You wondered how many of the shadow's childish complaints and flirty remarks were indicative of his real personality. The percentage would greatly influence how hard you slapped Scott when he showed up in the morning.

"And besides... Scottie says you're only temporary." Bonnie continued. "That means we don't get to see you long~"

"And I fully intend to keep it that way." You shot back, crossing your arms. "I happen to enjoy being my own boss, and this little night shift is merely doing a favor for a close friend."

"So there's no hope convincing you to stay?" Now Freddy was giving you a pitiable expression, though in a slightly more dignified manner. As if being double-teamed by a pair of annoying shadows would change your mind.

"None at all, I'm afraid." Your eyes narrowed. "And if you two don't give me a very convincing reason why I should take you up on this tour offer instead of finishing my questioning, I won't change my mind on that either." You began tapping your foot slowly, rhythmically. Counting out the passing seconds. "You have exactly three minutes to come up with one. Starting now."

"No need to come up with a reason." Freddy smiled, sharing a look with Bonnie. Oh, you distrusted that look so so much. "There's a very good one I can give you right now."

"And what, pray tell, is that?"

The two shadows moved closer, smiling conspiringly between each other. It was watching two children deliberately bring up an inside joke, fully aware that you weren't in the know about it. This whole situation was childish, in fact. It was a less surprising realization than you had thought it would be.

"Sooner or later, you will have to meet the other residents of our little home. Whether that be later tonight or tomorrow," Freddy explained smoothly, placing himself to your immediate left. His very presence felt like you were standing beside an open refrigerator. It would have been pleasant if the office had been any warmer, but unfortunately, that was not the case.

"And unlike us, they're not quite as friendly or welcoming to newcomers." Bonnie crooned, slinking upright and on your immediate right. "So would it not be better to meet them early, on your terms, with the two of us there to back you up if need be?" And you had thought Freddy was cold... Shadow Bonnie was like standing next to a human-sized block of dry ice. You'd never known anything to feel so frigid...

Still, you continued tapping away with crossed arms with an unfazed expression. It would take more than a little bit of cold and invasion of personal space to influence you. "And what do you mean by 'not quite as friendly' exactly?"

"Oh, anything from active malice to passive aggression depending on how much the entity dislikes you~" Bonnie hummed with a coy smile.

You sighed heavily. "And my meeting them earlier will somehow change that?"

"Of course. It means you get to make a good impression on them before they get the chance to form a negative opinion of you." Freddy gestured vaguely towards your door. "Your chances of keeping the peace during your stay increase drastically if they like you."

"And to sweeten the deal..." that coy smile Bonnie had widened a tad as he leaned closer still to whisper very not-secretively to you. "You'll have more people willing to give you information if you get on their good side early~"

Neither shadow seemed willing to back down on this matter. With how insistent they were, you had to wonder why they were so keen on interrupting your questioning. It's like they wanted to keep you in the dark. Springtrap had been pretty tightlipped too... You sighed again.

"Alright, alright. You've convinced me. I'll accept another tour of this place to meet these mysterious other entities." You dropped your hand to your hip warningly. "However, if this proves to be a trick or a means of putting me in harm's way..." You lifted the tazer again, letting the electricity crackle ominously. "I will hurt you in turn, even if I have to hunt you down myself. Understood?"

You received some very enthusiastic nods before your arms were seized on both sides. "You made the right choice, dear." You desperately wanted to taze that condescending smile off of Shadow Freddy's face right about now... but you refrained. You still needed his cooperation for the time being.

"Come on, pumpkin~ Let's introduce you to the phantoms!"

(Well... it's been nearly a year since I actually updated this. But I am back and back for good this time around! Thank you everyone who is miraculously still reading, and have a wonderful day/night! See you in the next one.


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