Used For Useless Things. C8

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                                                                                         Draco's POV

After the speeches Principal Fortune ended the assembly voting and gave everyone (except for the future presidents,) vote papers to put in our voting bins.

Not surprised, most people were coming to my booth to vote, we were probably making it to top 20.

"You could go now students, will sort everything out." Mr. Fortune said, "And great speech Draco, it sounds like something a real president would say." "Thank you Principal Fortune." I replied.

I went to my next class which was drama, like last time we were probably working on the film idea, as I was walking, Funneh and Gold were standing behind the exit door to the gym and grabbed me by the arm.


"OW!" I said in pain, "Aren't you guys suppose to be in class?" "Class doesn't start until three minutes so will make this short, right Funneh?" Gold said, "Yep." Funneh agreed, "We know you copied the president speech." 

Huh? I didn't copy it, what are they talking about. 

"Um, I don't know what your talking about." I said honestly, "Don't play dumb Draco, we know what you did." Funneh said.

 Gold showed her phone to me as the exact script I read was on the screen.

How in the world did they get that!? 

"You're not suppose to have that. That was hand made by us!" "Well explain how we have it." Gold said, "I- I can't. I don't know how it got there!" "Did you even copy it." "No, my team did." 

Then that's when I realized that my team copied and paste the script, that's why I had no idea how that got on Google. 

"My team..." I say in realization, "What?" Funneh asked, "One of them copied and paste that script. I'm gonna get in so much trouble." "Wait, so you didn't do this?" Gold asked, "No! Please don't tell them!" "Hmm, ok we wont." Funneh said, "But we need something in return, like... uh." Funneh nudged Gold for idea's.

"You have to be our servant for a day, after school." 

WHAT. Ugh, the technology club is probably the only club I have until there's an eating club. But for now I have to do this.

"Ok fine." I said, we shook hands and went off to class, why did I get myself into the mess?!

In Drama Class:

I walked in the classroom going to the table where Gold and Claire will be, I saw the smirk on Gold's face already reminded me about the deal.

"Ok class, we will need our devices for the project, we will be test animating our film, like for an example, making our characters character play with a frisbee, or make them dance." Mrs. Tania said.

Basically, we were testing everything out. We went on our devices to download the app and followed the instructions.

"Just join the Google Classroom class, the code is: 321REHCAETDOOGYREVA123." Mrs. Tania said.

Did she just spell "a very good teacher" backwards? Eh, doesn't bother me.

Anyway, we put the code in and the app made the classroom, finally we were going to do the testing. We invited each other in the teams so we could see who was doing what.

"Ok, what should we make the bunny do?" Claire asked, "Dance?" Gold asked, "Ok, Draco?." "I agree with Gold, then we could test it eating the dumpling." I said, "Ok, let me see if I could draw the bunny.." Claire said,

Claire drew the bunny on her device, she drew the bunny's body fat like a pancake, its ears were floppy as a wrinkled balloon, and its tail was mushy as the school's mash potato's.

"How did I do?" Claire asked.

 Well, she did better than I probably could so I'll give her that.

"Bestie, don't take this the wrong way but, it looks.... uh, Draco?" Gold said, to say what it looks like so she didn't have to say it.

"It looks fine." Draco said, "YOU- I mean, yeah, but in my opinion, its better than fine." Gold lies. "You sure, it looks a little crooked." "We're just testing, it doesn't have to look perfect yet." I assured her, trying to continue with what we were doing.

"Your right. I'll animate and you guys will tell me how to improve." Claire said.

She took her time to animate each frame and it turn out to be.... um, ok?

(Credits to FilpaCilp)

"Oh wow, this animation is soooooo good!" Gold lied, "Are you lying?" Claire asked, "Yeah, maybe we could fix it a little, sorry Clai." "Its ok, I'll just find an art video on how to draw a actual good looking bunny."

While Gold and Claire were fighting Mrs. Tiana made an announcement.

"Class, since there are minor internet problems, instead we will be making a comic online."

THANK GOODNESS, I thought we were going to get a "F". 

 "Everyone please switch on to the online app we mostly use for comics." Mrs., Tania said, "Phew, at least we don't have don't have to draw it now." Gold said, "Yeah, let's get onto app so we could get this done already." I said.

Once we were on the app we only had about five minutes left of class, so we had to make sure we got most of the comic done.

"Ok let's first find an image of a bunny." Claire said, "Which one would you guys like?" "You don't want to choose Claire?" Gold asked, "No, any bunny is fine." "Ok let's chose... this one! Right Draco?" Gold said while giving me a side eye. I knew I had to chose it so I said yes.

*School bell rings*

"Ok, class is dismissed." Mrs. Tania said. Great, all we had done is copy and paste a bunny.

Krew (Fight For School President)Where stories live. Discover now