03. -- best friend's house,

24 1 1

Episode | 12
Word Count | 1632

A WEEK HAD passed, and before she knew it, it was the day of the trip. She wasn't necessarily ecstatic, but she wasn't against the idea either. But one thing she was looking forward to was the ocean.

So when it was announced that their flight had been cancelled, she frowned. Compared to her classmates though, she was one of the least concerned. She glanced around and she witnessed how hopeless everyone acted, most with their heads hung low. Realizing that even Hairo's enthusiasm was ineffective, it only made her feel worse

"I can't believe it; I was looking forward to this," Mera sulked, slumped in her seat. "I even spent all my savings on the plane ticket."

"Everything's fine. Yeah, fine. Maybe the plane can take a different route to Okinawa!" Yumehara laughed, gorging snacks down her throat as a coping mechanism.

"Please slow down, Yumehara; you might choke," Teruhashi scolded, yet she was just as discouraged.

Just as everyone had lost hope, a student called out, "Look! The typhoon disappeared completely!"

Similar to a few minutes ago, the class erupted in cheers as they all seemed thrilled once again. She couldn't help but raise a brow at the suddenness—skeptical about how an entire natural disaster could just vanish within seconds. Deciding not to question it, she gathered her things and headed toward the line that formed in front of the flight gate.

While waiting for the rest of her group to prepare their belongings, she glanced over to see Saiki, who was completely drenched from top to bottom. She stopped, peering intently at him while wondering what he would have been doing in the bathroom for that to happen. Did he fall into the toilet? Did a pipe break and spray him to the point where he was soaked? Before she could think too deep about it, he was dry again in the blink of an eye.

'...Huh?' She blinked. 'Am I high?'

"C'mon, [L/N]!" Yumehara called as she waited for her. "You too, Saiki!"

A bit distraught, she concluded that her lack of sleep last night might be causing her brain to go haywire. She followed the group as they handed their plane tickets and moved through the gate. As she boarded the plane, she took a seat with Yumehara, Teruhashi, and Mera, sitting across the isle from Kaidou.

Like many others onboard, she decided to use her phone out of boredom, playing one of her downloaded songs as she played an offline game. It was about halfway through the flight that she saw Kaidou out of the corner of her eye with a nauseous expression. Taking out an earbud, she turned over to him.

"Hey, dude, you sick or something?" Nendou asked after he had attempted to open the plane window.

Deciding that she didn't want to smell regurgitated food for the remainder of the time, she searched through her bag. Once she had found her motion sickness pills, she held them out toward Kaidou, who seemed surprised at the gesture. With drool in his mouth, he took the pills gratefully.

"Oh, thanks, [L/N]," he managed to say before gaging again. She nodded before turning to the other three girls, who questioned her about Kaidou and if he was feeling well.

'I guess I won't have to get Kaidou's pills anymore,' Saiki thought.

Not long after, a flight attendant witnessed Takahashi practically dying in pain. "Oh, sir! Are you alright?"

"My stomach is killing me," he gritted out, face paled.

"Help! Is there a doctor on board?" The attendant called out frantically. "No? Well, if we act now, we can land and get him help!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28 ⏰

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