Chapter 47: Not So Fun Summer

Start from the beginning

I feel bad for being harsh but I can't help it right now.

Sam didn't seem fazed because whatever is on her phone seemed to have her undivided attention.

With a sigh, I stood up from my chair and went to throw away the rest of my breakfast food that I didn't eat and then put the plates into the sink. After I did that, I went to where the pool was and then sat in a lounge chair.

Even the pool looked happy.

How is that possible?

It looked so clean and blue, with the sun rays adding a glare that made the water sparkle even more.

Never thought I'll see the day where a pool is happier than me.

It only took a few minutes before Sam came to where I was and she sat in the lounge chair next to me.

Sam and I are really going through it. We both are upset because of the tournament.

"Do you really want to get run over by a bus?" Sam asked me.

"No." I shook my head. "I just said that to be sarcastic."

Even though I've already said that because of the mood I'm in, it sounded serious even though I wasn't being serious at all.

"Have you heard anything about Miguel?" I then asked my cousin after a few minutes of silence.

"No." She shook her head. "I've sent messages but he hasn't seen them yet. All I know is that he went to New Mexico. His mom told me."

He went to New Mexico? For what?

"Did she say why he went there?"

"All she said was that he went to find his dad, that's about it."

I can only imagine how Carmen is feeling about this. Her only child is in another state and she must be worried sick.

I would be worried too.

And I am worried. Miguel is one of my close friends and I don't want anything to happen to him.

"Hopefully Miguel will be okay." I said, looking at my cousin while she had a frown on her face.

"Yeah, I hope so too." She nodded.

"Have you ever been confused about what you want?" Sam then asked me.

"What do you mean?"

"Where you think your life is going alright but then it's really not. Then it makes you question if you want to stop doing a certain thing, or if you don't want to deal with anything anymore?" She explained.

"I know that I want to stop karate, that's for sure." I sighed.

"I'm the same." She looked back at me, "I probably want to take a break from karate. Especially since I'm beginning to think that karate has taken over everything in my life. Is it taking over your life?"

I haven't thought about that before.

Since I moved to the valley from New Jersey, I've been involved in a karate rivalry and for what?

Just because I wanted to be there for my cousin when I found out what happened at the school?

That's why I moved here, besides the fact that my parents want me to have a better life.

It's just been about karate.

But do I really think it's been taking over my life? Do I want to think that?

I have my family, my friends, and my wonderful boyfriend who I love so much and I want him to hold me close.

Has karate really taken over my life like how it's taking over Sam's?

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