Chapter eightteen

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From that day on Dream and Tommy had met a few more times , the twins sometimes taged alond ,Techno more then Wilbur and even became good friends with Dream. Dream had eventually seen  what Tommy meant with not talking more than three hours a day when they were all playing a board game and Tommy signed out of nowhere that he didnt want to talk anymore for now but that was alright for everyone.

Tommy wouldnt talk longer than twenty to thirty minutes before signing again. He went to therapy a few times and even introduced his best friend , Tubbo , to Dream. They got a long pretty well too. When Tommy and Dream were in the park once they met Niki there, Tommy introduced her to his brother and explained to Dream how he had thought Niki was their Mother. 

"you- you do look like her , i'll give Tommy that" Dream mumbled "do you know a Natalie *****?" he asked her and by Nikis reaction it looked like she did 

"yea i do , shes my mother actually" Niki explained with a smile on her face "why'd you ask?" 

"now i know why you look like her! Natalie ***** was our Mothers twin but moved away after i was born , our mom always told me about her Twin sister. I knew she had a daughter my age but i never thought i'd met her and in this way" Dream explained and Tommy turned to him with wide eyes and a smile 

"so niki is our cousin?! thats awesome!" Tommy said with the brightes smile ever making the other two laugh 

"yea ,yea it does" Niki laughed. 

Just a few weeks after that had happened Tommy met Natalie , his Aunt , Dream wasnt able to come but promised to come next time. Tommy and Natalie talked about his Mother alot and why she wasnt able to take him and his brothers in , at the time their Mother died she already had Niki and was alone. Nikis Father had left them once they found out she was pregnant with her , she knew she wouldnt be able to raise four kids on her own since one was difficult enough at that time and Tommy understood her. 

They had talked a few hours till Tommy had to go back home for dinner. The weeks after that were pretty normal , other than Phil , Techno and Wilbur being busy so often and meeting Dream more than he did , for some reason the three met up with his brother and cousin more those weeks than he did because they said they didnt have time. 

Tubbo , Purpled and Ranboo had told him not to worry about it and that he should talk to them about it if he felt left out or something. He did try but whenever he wanted to tell them they were either busy , had to take a call or somewhere to go to, at Dinner Tommy would now sit alone at the table and eat , the other three all said they wouldnt be back till later at night. Tommy didnt know what was going on but now after three weeks he hoped it would be back to normal. 


In fact it did not go back to normal. Tommy was getting more and more annoyed at how little time they now spend with him , even Dream spend more time with them than he did the past few weeks and no one wanted to tell him why. 

At first tommy thought it was okay and nothing was wrong , he was atleast able to talk to them at dinner and lunch but now he was lucky if he even got a small hello. 


Phil and the Twins had been preparing a birthday party for three weeks now. They talked with Dream and their other friends, tubbo and ranboo too of course , about how they could decorate the house without him there till Tubbo had pointed out that they had school on his birthday so they could decorate the house while he was at school.

They were now making sure everything was on its place , presents on the table with , cake on the dinner table and another present in the guest room they would have to get later when tommy was there. 

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