Chapter twelve

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After they had talked about Tommy going to Puffy ,Phil was quick to fill all the papers he needed for Tommy to have her as his official Therapyst. Puffy signed everything too ,always making sure to tell Tommy that she really wants to help him and not just out of Pity but like as a family friend too. Puffy was now his therapyst and he had two sessions a week on the lunch break , Puffy and Schlatt , the principal and also Tubbos Father , told him that if he felt overwhelmed with anything or had any other problems he could tell the teacher and they would have to let him go to Puffy but only if he really needed to.

Tommy didnt have to tell a teacher that yet and it had been two weeks since Puffy was his official therapyst , the weekly therapyst sessions really helped him. He now had Geography with Mr.Blake , he was one of the meanest teachers at the school who would scream at the children and then lie to the principal and Parents about it if a student would snitch. Tommy was always quiet in his class and when he tried to talk to the teacher no words would come out , he doenst know why but that happened in many different situations for no reason. Everyone that knew he could fully talk just thought it was because he didnt feel like talking but in reality he wasnt able to talk even if he wanted to but he didnt tell anyone about it yet. It hadnt bothered him or anyone but now he had with Mr.Blade and of course he had to get screamed at

,,Thomas what do you not get?! We had this for the last three lessons and if you keep staying silent for no reason when i ask you something im going to give you an F!" Mr.Blake yelled directly at him , tears started building in his eyes as he tried to respond but no sound came out of his mouth , why now and not later? why always only if Mr.blake was there!?

Tommy signed something but Mr.blake decided to ignore it , luckily his best friend Ranboo was there with him. Ranboo tsked annoyed and just stood up , taking Tommys hand and his crutches. Tommy took one under his arm that wasnt getting pulled by Ranboo who was pulling him with him , Mr.blake was calling for them to come back but they just kept on walking till they were at Puffys office and walked inside .

,,Ranboo? Tommy? whats going on and why is Tommy crying?" Puffy asked concerened and walked over to them

,,Mr.blake yelled at him for not talking , Tommy signed to please be let out but he ignored it so i just took his hand and walked here with him before he gets a full on panic attack" Ranboo explained , Tommy let his hand go as he leaned on the wall and slowly let himself down on the floor and tried to calm his breathing , Puffy kneed infront of him and took his hands.

,,thank you Ranboo , can you get Schlatt and tell him about this and to call Phil? I think it would be better for tommy to go home now"Puffy explained , Ranboo nodded and left the room. Tommy heard the door close and squeezed his eyes shut

,,Tommy? can you hear me?" Puffy asked , Tommy nodded in return to let her know that he did but he was freaking himself out now. Everyone understood when Tommy didnt talk but why did he have a panic attack now when one person didnt? This was the first time this happened with Tommy and none of them knew why.

,,ok good , can you follow my breathing? In.. and out.. in.. and out.." Puffy reapeted , they did this for five minutes before the door openend to show Schlatt at the door. Tommy had calmed down now , he looked tired and exhausted as he leaned his head on Puffys shoulder

,,Hey Puffy , how is Tommy?" Schlatt asked , Puffy looked at Tommy before looking back at her brother

,,he's okay now ,just exhausted. When is Phil comming? i would like to have a small meeting to talk about this with Mr.Blake and Phil if you dont mind" Puffy said

,,i will get mr.blake once Phil is here , he said he'll be here in ten. Ranboo told me Tommy had a panic attack and Mr.blake didnt seem to care so they left the class? " Schlatt asked Puffy

,,from what he told me , yes. Mr.blake is not a good teacher and we both know that. this isnt the first time this happend and im sure we could find a better teacher than him" Puffy said and schlatt agreed. Mr.blake was the worst teacher , this was the fourth time now something like this happend because of him.

Ten minutes later Phil arrived and walked inside to them to see Tommy laying on the couch Puffy had in the room ,with closed eyes. He frowned when he saw Tommy laying there looking exhausted

"Hey Phil , he's asleep right now but we'd like to speak about what happened with you" Puffy said , she was sitting at her desk with Schlatt next to her. Phil nodded and sat down on the free chair infront of them

"hey" He said and leaned back in the chair "so what exactly happened? all you told me was that he had a panic attack" Phil said ,looking at schlatt

"sorry about that , i should have explained more but lets talk about it now yea?" Schlatt said and Phil nodded again "ok so from what i got told Mr.Blake had yelled at Tommy for not understanding something and not speaking. We all know that he's getting his voice back but doesnt want to speak really and i told all teachers not to pressure him into talking but he didnt want to listen to that it seems. When Tommy wanted to leave Mr.Blake didnt let him so Ranboo just left with him to get to Puffy , once they were here Tommy had the panic attack" Schlatt explained

"Mr.blake did what now?!" Phil shouted , a Teacher yelling at a child for something they cant control? oh hell no. and expecialy not at his child

"phil please calm down , we are thinking about fireing him because this wasnt the first time a student was having a panic attack, breakdown or something because of him" Puffy said , Phil sighed before looking at Tommy to see him looking right back

"dad?" Tommy mumbled as he sat up rubbing his eyes

"hey bud , how are you?" Phil asked while standing up and walking over to Tommy , kneeing down to the boys hight and Tommy nodded with a small smile on his face.

They talked about what happened for half an hour , Tommy overheard them saying they'll fire Mr.blake and had looked shocked and worried to them. He didnt mean for this to happen! and Mr.Blakes son still goes to this school so what if he'll bully Tommy for getting Mr.blake fired!? while tommy was overthinking Phil kneed down infront of him and took his hands in his own , getting tommys attention to him as he looked at the boy with a soft smile

"whatever is on your mind its not your fault yea? Mr.blake did this for a while now and it has to stop now and dont worry about his son" Phil said , tommy took one deep breath before smiling back at his Father. Phil had to sign some papers before he left with Tommy , he and Puffy talked about when Tommys next session would be to talk about what happened.

before they left Tommy ran up to Puffy and schlatt to hug and thank them for helping him , and if they even heard Schlatt tell Puffy that he liked the kid , and is happy hes friends with his son than no one said anything about it and only smiled or chuckled.

I had to think of something to write for the last 300 words because i forgot i hadnt finished this yet. The next chapter will take some time again because my ideas said bye bye.

Have a nice day/afternoon/evening! :D

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