"Nope. Purple is definitely your color." I say.

He takes the sweater off, then suddenly puts it on me.

"You look better in purple. It goes with the pink hair." He says smiling.

"I know I look good in purple." I say with a confident smile.

Sunghoon just rolls his eyes while chuckling and goes to sit back down on my bed.

I take off the sweater and put it back in my closet.

We suddenly hear a knock on my door as Insit back down in my bed next to Sunghoon.

"Come in!" I say.

The door opens revealing Mina, peeking her head through the door.

"Im going back home. Are you gonna stay here again?" She asks Sunghoon.

We look at each other, and I hope he sees that I don't want him to leave. Then, he turns back to Mina.

"Yeah. I brought extra clothes anyway." He says.

"Okay. Bye, love you guys." Mina says, then softly shuts my door and leaves.

"You brought extra clothes?" I ask.

"Yeah? What do you think I brought. awhile other bag if there weren't more clothes in it?" He says.

I laugh as I roll my eyes. I guess he's so used to staying here that he just assumes he's staying the night all the time, which I don't mind at all.

I lean back, letting my body relax onto my soft comforters.

"Wanna watch a movie?" I ask.

"Sure. What movie are you wanting to watch?" He asks.

"There's this movie called '20th Century Girl' that i've really been wanting to watch, but i didn't want to watch it alone." I say.

"Why? Is it scary?"

"No. It's supposedly really sad. I just don't want to cry alone."

"Okay, let's watch it." He say chuckling.

"Wait! We need popcorn first. And tissues.." I say.

"I'll go make us some, and i'll grab tissues. You just get it ready." Sunghoon says, getting up from the bed.

"Thanks!" I say.

Sunghoon goes downstairs, so I get under the covers and make myself comfortable.

I turn on my TV, then get it quickly turned on next. I go to my watch list and find 20th Century Girl.

I go to it and wait for Sunghoon to get back with the stuff.

About 2 minutes later, Sunghoon comes back into my room with a bowl of popcorn and a small box of tissues.

He hands me the bowl and slips into my bed next to me, scooting super close and setting the tissues down next to me.

We also sit close, and even sometimes kinda cuddle, but lately it's been making my heart race a little more than it should..

"It has extra butter, just how you like it." He says.

I smile, but don't let him see it.

I start the movie, and lean back a little more.

We finish the popcorn a little quicker than we thought we would, so Sunghoon set it aside on the nightstand on his side.

Since the popcorn bowl is out of the way, we lay down on my pillows, getting a little more comfortable.

My heart raced even faster feeling Sunghoon so close to me again.

It's weird feeling so flustered being close to him, like we haven't been doing stuff like this for years. I'm gonna have to start getting used to this feeling.


Thank god I asked Sunghoon to bring tissues, because i'm currently balling my eyes out.

We just finished the movie and I couldn't stop crying. I shouldn't have watched this fucking movie.

I look over to Sunghoon, and surprisingly see he teared up too.

"You're crying too?" I ask, laughing through sniffles.

"How could I not? That was probably the saddest movie i've ever watched." He says, wiping his eyes with his sleeve.

"We should not have watched that." I laughed, taking a tissues and wiping my face and nose.

"Yeah." He laughs.


i'm actually about to watch 20th century girl so i thought i could just add it😭

Hope you enjoy!

Have an amazing day/night!

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