Chapter 2

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"Come on Sap, get out of your room," Clay or well Dream said outside of Sapnap's room. Sapnap is in his room for three days due to the fact that his crush has straight out rejected him by liking some tall ass lanky pale ass bitch whose name is fucking Wilbur. Who the fuck name's there kid Wilbur?

"No" Sapnap's voice being muffled out by the pillow that is seemingly squished against his face. "Okay I've had enough with you Sap, I'm coming in" 

"Jesus hell Sapnap why is it so freaking dark in here?" Dream was complaining while opening up the curtains to the room to brighten up the depressing sight of Sapnap mourning in his room by himself. Sapnap groaned as the light started illuminating the room, making him cover his head with the soft covers of his blanket.

"Nope, Sap you're getting up come on '' Dream was practically dragging Sapnap by his legs to get him off the bed.


"Leave me alone DrEaM" Thunk

"OW DREAM YOU JERK!" Sapnap yelled out, grabbing a pillow off the floor and attacking Dream with the said pillow.

"You can't get me Sappy!" Dream was wheezing while running around trying not to get hit by the almighty Sapnap. "Dream you jerk!" 

"This-is-what-you-get-for-dragging-me-out-of-bed" Sapnap solemnly abused the taller with a pillow panting from the exhaustion running around the house, not noticing there were three others watching the disaster unfold in front of them. Sapnap had the feeling of being watched, so turning his head to the direction of the unwelcoming feeling his cheeks started to turn red all the way to his ears as he sees Karl covering his mouth with the palm of his hand containing his laughter, seemingly to turn to George who has his phone out filming the disastrous scene. Though not noticing the other pair of eyes that were on him, he chuckled nervously and helped his best friend get up. Just only to catch a glimpse of Karl holding Wilbur's hand, now a frown forming against his lips. 

"Wait, what's he doing here?" Sapnap questioned, his voice thoroughly sounding annoyed, pointing to where Wilbur stood hand in hand with Karl. Karl replied happily-

"Wilbur's here to hang out with us since we are now officially boyfriends!" he exclaimed in such glee, it brought a smile to Sapnap's face but it faltered quite quickly to the sound of boyfriends coming out of Karl's mouth.

"Oh, congrats, that's sick Karl" A forced smile laid upon his face not meeting his eyes. Dream and George stood on the sideline watching knowingly the crush that Sap had on Karl and them also knowing about the rejection. The tension was quite tense but luckily the silence broke by George who spoke up, now all eyes laid on him.

"Well Sapnap" The 'p' making a pop at the end of his name

"Wilbur here is going to introduce us to a friend of his, maybe to add to our friend group" The shorter amongst the four spoke. "I feel like he'll be a great fit for your group, you all are quite chaotic but I think all four of you combined is nothing compared to him," Wilbur spoke fondly of this friend of his, making Sapnap try to suppress an eye roll at him.

"He's really funny, you guys have to meet him!" Karl giggled into his sleeve, which made Sapnap look away flustered. "Besides I have a feeling you all are going to love him, so Sappy go hurry up and change so we can go meet up with him!" Karl beamed.

Sapnap groaned, not being too happy about having to socialize with people he doesn't know, especially if it's a friend of Wilbur Soot.

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