Chapter 5: found

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         "I think I just found are ticket out." He vaguely explained.

"Kwazii please don't tell me you want to go down there." You say, pinching the bridge of you nose.

"What!" Kwazii said offended "do you have a another way out of here?" He challenged you.

"No. but this doesn't seem like a safe thing to do. What if one of us gets lost?" You throw back at him.

Shellington who was watching this play out know he needed to step into this little cat fight and pulled them apart.

"Umm guys maybe we should talk about this?" He offed.

     You huffed out a breath of air and turned to him. No need to get mad at him.

     "Ok then, how do you think we go about this?" You asked calmly.

      "We could-" he began when kwazii interrupted him.

      "I'm going INNNNN-." Kwazii cried as he jump into the water with a splash.

     "Oh Kwazii!" You yelled after him. "Come on, Shellington if we don't go down here with him he's going to get himself killed!" You relied as you went for the tank of glow-worms.

You quickly put on your new diving helmet, breathe in and got ready to jump in after him. Shellington nervously put a paw on your arm, for support.

"Ok Shellington we go on the count of, two THREE!" You finished with a yell and jumped.

The water was colder now and was taking you swiftly down a tie hole. Everything was so dark with out your flashlight that you couldn't see anything in front and behind. You did however feel Shellington paw holding onto you as sea otters tend to do.

       The tunnel came to an end soon and put you and Shellington into a free fall. Now you could hear Shellington screaming, as he let go of you. while you hopeless flapped your limbs around, feeling for something to grab onto. Luckily You did find something to hold on to, right next to a waterfall. Never had you been so glad that you had taken those lessons with Barnacles.

       But poor Shellington and the glow-worms wasn't as lucky and where still on the way to where ever Kwazii was.

     It was hard to see anything with the waterfall in your way, but you managed to get back down to some ground to rest for a bit. It was quite dark Now that the glow-worms were gone.

        After awhile you heard someone trying to call you. Switching on your flashlight and Bring your hand over to where your radio was, and got on a line with the Captain again.

      "Y/N are you There? Y/N come-" He got cut off by you.

      "Yes I'm here." You tiredly said.

      "That's good, but where are the other's? We can't get a hold of them!"

     "W-we-I followed Kwazii down a sump, and but I seemed to have gotten separated from them." You to explain to him.

"Well do you think you could find them for us, while we try to find another exist to the cave?" Asked Barnacles.

      You stopped for a second and thought it through. 'Could I really do that? On my own?'  Now you where Leaning to see down the hole more.  'Well I did find that baby elephant and i didn't think I could do it. What's so different now? Yeah.'

       "Of course I can Captain." You say switching on your flashlight and beginning your journey.


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