am i dreaming?

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A/n found the picture on Google so credits to artist!

Venti went and took a bath taking hes braids out as he went. Once done he wrapped hes towel around him and went back to dilucs room to grab hes cloths.

Venti went in and grabbed hes cloths befor he giggled "oh master diluc....would be so kind and let me where your cloths" he said smiling at diluc.

Diluc looked at venti and sighed "I just bought you new cloths...and besids I doubt you will be able to fit into them" he said crossing hes arms "just hurry up and get dressed"

Venti sighed "yeah yeah I'm going " he said before he left the room again and went to get dressed.

Soon venti came back all dressed. He wore a white top with baggy sleeves and he's corset on. And for the pants he wore black pants close to hes original ones and for hes shoes he wore new long boots with a heel.
((A/N hes boots are like the ones in the picture))

Diluc looked at venti and blushed "you look..nice" he said flustered

Venti giggled "aww thanks master diluc" he said smiling before he noticed diluc hadn't taken hes braid out yet which made he happy .

Diluc noticed ventis hair hadn't been braided yet so he got up and started to braid hes hair.

Venti didn't stop him he let him braid hes hair as he stood there and waited for him to be done.

After a bit he finished and venti smiled "now master diluc what should we do?" He asked.

Doluc shrugged "not sure but I suppose I'll go and take a bath to" he said heading for the door before he left.

Venti sighed and decided to wonder around the whiners since he was board.

Venti then looked around a bit befor he find the wine celler and knowing him he found a way in.

He walked down and looked st all the dandelion wine. He giggled a bit before he soon grabbed a bottle of wine befor he herd the caller door open

Venti turned and seen the head maid adelinde. Venti hid the bottle of whine behind hes back acting like he did nothing as she walked to him .

"Ah so your the bard master diluc told us about" she standing in front of him .

Venti laughed nervously "ehe...what do you mean" he said smiling nervously

Adelinde sighed "Master diluc warned us that a bard with braided hair goes by the name venti would probably try to sneak in here" he said sighing "so pleas hand of the bottle of dandelion wine pleasure said as she put her hand out.

Venti sighed and gave it to her. She put it back before making venti leave the wine celler. He sighed board again he then decided to go back up to dilucs room.

Once he was back in dilucs room he sat on the bed and waited for him for him to return.

Soon diluc returned washed and already changed he looked at venti who gave a warm smile to him.

Diluc looked at venti befor he gave a small smile to him. Venti noticed and he's eyes lit up "Master diluc did you just smile!?" He asked getting up .

Diluc quickly lost the smile and blushed "n-no...shut up!" He said looking away.

Venti giggled "oh master diluc I dont care if you smile honestly I don't think I ever seen you smile" he said softly

Diluc roller hes eyes "whatever...anyways you wanted to wear something of mine right?" He asked

Venti nodded "yeah..why?" He asked. Diluc sighed befor grabbing hes jacket "if you want you can wear this" he aaid handing it to him.

Venti looked at hes jacket and smiled "alright thanks...but im pretty sure it won't fit me" he aaid before he took it from him and put it on.

"Ehe yup like I said to bug" he said rubbing the back of hes neck.

Diluc rolled hes eyes "whatever...I still think you look good in it" he mumbled a bit as he blushed and looked away.

Venti heard this and giggled "Hmm what was that master diluc?" He asked pretending like he didn't hear them.

Diluc sighed "I.....I said you still look good" he aaid speaking up. Venti smiled "I know but you cna have your jacket back it's way to big for me" he aaid taking it off as he gave it to diluc

Diluc took it and put it on himself "anyways what do you want to do?" He asked.

Venti thought "Hmm...braid your hair again" he said giggling.

Diluc sighed sitting on the bed "fine..." he said. Venti smiles and braided hes hair again for a bit befor he finished
"All done!" He said sitting next to diluc
"Ugh but now I'm hungry" he aaid holding hes stomach being dramatic.

Diluc nodded "come on. I had the maids prepare dinner for us befor I too ka back early " he aaid taking ventis hand.

Venti blushed "w-wait you did that...but why" he said before he held dilucs hand back.

"Well I already knew you where gonna say you were hu gry sooner or later and...I thought I would be nice" he said softly

Venti nodded and followed behind diluc to the dining room still holding each other's hands.

Once there the two sat next to each other before they began to eat. Venti was very happy and ate as much food as he could although he mainly didn't want any of it to go to waist since he knew who ever made this meal worked really hard on it. After a few venti finished eating he couldn't eat anymore. He sat there noticing diluc also finishing soon after him.

The two soon got up and went back upstairs to dilucs room. Venti stretched and yawned a bit before he changed into hid new pajamas. After he hopped into dilucs bed tierd as he waited for him.
Diluc soon finished changing befor he got in bed with venti.

Vent cuddled up to diluc as he closed hes eyes and started to fall asleep. Diluc wrapped hes arms around him and the two went to sleep.

((A/N : these coming parts have mentions of blood so if you don't like that pleas skip to the next A/N ))

Venti woke up but not in in dilucs bed. He was outside on the ground. He sat up and looked around confused. He soon stood up ad he walked around before he started to call for diluc. He kept walking befor he looked down to see blood.....he was shocked like any other person would be. He started to follow it as he ran a bit soon making it to where the blood ended. To hes surprise he seen some one....some one very familiar to him. He's eyes widend as he noticed it was diluc. He went down to him panicking as he lifted him up in hes lap "d-diluc!.....hey wake up...pleas...this isn't funny" he said as he started to cry. He cried a lot as he held diluc in hes lap asking what happened.

A/N: ahah if you made this far weither you skipped or not this is the end of this chapter yup cliff hanger hehe.

Word count 1240

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