"A-ah... Yes." he awkwardly said, earning a soft laugh from the latter.

"I'm sorry about that."

The man usher him to come closer and pat the bed side, asking him to sit there.

"I'm Baji... Baji Keisuke, how about you?"

The blonde male smile at him before speaking.

"Takemichi... Hanagaki Takemichi."

"I thought you will take a breather at the rooftop? Why do you smell like flowers?" Draken said when Baji sat down again to the empty seat.

"Well, something happened." Baji replied while scratching his nape, clearly avoiding the question.

Draken, who's highly suspicious of Baji's reply, didn't dig anymore. He just let the man be.

"Ah, the doctor said that I can finally be discharge."


Draken look at his friend who's soul is definitely travelling somewhere he don't know.


Three months... It's already been 3 months, and everyday, Baji never fails to visit the beautiful man in the hospital.

"Oh, Baji-san, are you here to visit Takemichi-san again?" the nurse at the information desk asked with a smile.


"You came at the right time, his parents are also here. Might as well get to know them." the nurse said, giving him a weird look.

Baji, after hearing that Takemichi's parents are there tensed up. He, has been hiding his feeling for the blonde for those 3 months and now, the nurse is saying that he should get to know Takemichi's parents? Damn.

"Kei, you're here." a soft voice interrupted his train of thought.

He looked up and saw three people. Takemichi, who's still on the hospital bed looking as beautiful as ever, a woman with black hair and blue eyes and a man with black hair and eyes. The beautiful woman is fierce looking, opposite to the man who looked exactly like Takemichi.

"Uhm... H-hello, I'm Baji Keisuke, Takemichi's friend." he said and bow to the two.

"Oh my, is he the friend you keep talking about, Take-chan?" the woman's voice sound surprised.

"Yes, Mom."

"Hello dear, I'm Hanagaki Leah and beside me is my lovely husband, Hanagaki Takehiko." the tall man wave a hand to him and smile.

"Hello, I'm Hanagaki Takehiko, it's nice to finally meet my child's friend." contrary to his innocent like face, he have deep voice like it came from the deepest part of Atlantic.

"It's nice to meet you, kid! Sadly me and my husband need to leave now, since our work is from the overseas, we can only visit him once every 3 months." Leah said while patting her child's head.

"Can I leave Takemichi in your care, Baji?" Takehiko said while putting a hand on Baji's shoulder.

Baji immediately nod and said yes, making the Hanagaki couple smile.

"Takemichi, my child, Mom and Dad will visit you again okay? We love you." Takehiko said and kiss his child's forehead while Leah hug her child tightly.

"Bye Mom, Dad, always take care of yourself okay?" Takemichi said while smiling at them.

The couple then leave after a few more minutes and left only Baji to take care of Takemichi.

Flower Boy   ||   BajiTakeKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat