Chapter 18 - The Beach

Start from the beginning

     It wasn't long until she moved to lay fully on the bed stomach first. The blankets weren't scratchy, the pillows didn't feel like rocks, even the mattress formed underneath her that she felt her sore muscles fully relax. His bed felt amazing. It's been so long since she's laid in one that hasn't fallen victim to the elements.

      She let out a relaxed exhale, not wanting to get up. She could smell the scent of her partner all over. Like old books and wood. She didn't mind it at all.

"What are you doing?"

      Her eyes widened and she pushed herself up to see Yama standing in the doorway with his eyes narrowed at her.

      Instantly her face warmed up. "I was- I was just-"

      A very stern look appeared on his face that made her feel even more embarrassed.

"I was just- looking. Around." She muttered.

"Are you done? I need your help with something." He started turning to leave, not giving her a chance to reply.

      She got up from the bed to follow him but it felt like a crime to leave. It was so comfy.

"I'll be back for you." She dramatically whispered to the piece of furniture but Yama heard and rolled his eyes. She wasn't sleeping in his bed.

      The girl followed him outside the cabin and she was able to actually take in the surroundings that she wasn't able to before.

      It was a beach. A pretty small cut-off portion of a beach. It was surrounded by rocky cliffs and shrubs that blocked the small cabin from sight on all sides besides the water. The cabin was towards the back and faced the large lake that stretched for miles. She couldn't see any other shores but the view of the horizon was breathtaking. The starry night sky touched the dark waters while the moon gave off its faint shimmery glow on the water. The ground below was filled with sand and some weeds. Clumps of it stuck to her boots and left deep footprints with each step she took. It was pretty hard to walk through the sand but Yama must've placed wooden boards down to make it easier. They led from the side door of the cabin to a hole in the rocky cliff that was covered in vines and weeds, hiding a hidden path inside.

      That was where she and Yama emerged from. Where he pointed before he passed out was a small boating shop near the cliffs that left (Y/N) confused until she found a secret hatch behind the counter that was covered by crates and barrels.

     The passage led underground into the interior of the rocky cliffs. She had to follow a pretty long and narrow path that was hard to get her and Yama through but once she reached the exit was when she found his cabin.

     Tucked away from the world. Hidden from sight.

      That must be what he meant by no one's ever found it. She almost didn't find it if he didn't give her that clue about where to go.

      She followed Yama over to the entrance of the hidden path and watched him crouch down with a wire in his hands that he unraveled. He attached it to a small box tucked underneath some rocks motioning for the girl to grab the other end. "Go right there and hold this steady. Keep it straight."

      She took the wire and went to where he instructed on the opposite side of the entrance. She soon realized this was a trip wire.

"What is it connected to?" She asked, looking around.

"Above you."

      She wished she didn't look. Above was a makeshift wooden balcony that held tons and tons of large rocks and boulders that if the wire was to snap, you would be crushed to death.

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