Reminders of the past

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Chapter 1

Some things...are left to be forgotten, historical events that change the world we know, old elf beliefs about demons, and what ever happened to Merlings?

Sometimes it better to forget, sometimes its not, its better to forget the terrible things that have happened, like what happened back in ()#*^.

B3t that c0uL! ()f b33n a L13

...........But why d() w3 f()r&3t?.....?...?...?

We m@y n3v3r k^/()w


Jimmy POV

Jimmy was lost in his thoughts, wondering about this 'Mezalian king' and how he knew the sheriff, but more importantly why he referred to Jimmy as 'The cod king' he thought just maybe he mistook the sheriff as a friend of his. He settled on that idea, as he had met people who looked similar to him many times, but the way the man acted made Jimmy feel...a strange sense of nostalgia, probably because the guy looked, sounded , and acted like Joel, but that wasn't it. It was something the sheriff couldn't put his finger on no matter how hard he tried, but in the back of his mind, Jimmy knew this man

A faint ringing came from the sheriffs ears, much to his annoyance, he yawned, Jimmy didn't understand how and why his ears were ringing so loudly, as he walked he looked to the most interesting thing in Tumble town, a pond, a fish stature built by this, what Jimmy believed to be Joel but shorter, and maybe a bit more likable than the tall annoying god he knew

"Hey! Sheriff I just came up with an amazing theory about the world you interested?" A Pink haired girl with blue eyes that just wrote 'I have a story to tell' who wore a long blue dress with long sleeves

"Go on Pris" He nodded at the girl, he had to get his mind off things, although because of the ringing in his ears he was having difficulty listening, although Prismarina was talking about alternate realties and past lives, and about how dimension traveling existed often bringing up Oli and the hermits, he was used to her talking then randomly disappearing for months, she sometimes was right about her theories, although not common

"The hermits came from the Rift while Oli quite literally came from the heavens, showing that there is many ways to dimension travel, although Jim do you know why...? Why in Cods name do they end up here? Hey Sheriff just making sure but your not like—uh from any alternate reality's right...? Because that's a whole new theory" She asked the last part almost jokingly

"Mmm, maybe, don't know myself, what about you?" He responded, it was true, Jimmy did not know, he didn't even know where he was from

"Ooooo~ I'll have to work on that theory soon- But me, no im not, because why in Cods name aren't I, sometimes I hate the Gods, the only expectable on is the water God, for blessing me with such amazing powers, the Cod god went through so much to bestow this gift to me, Come to think of look similar to him, like a lot a lot" she said often referring to this 'Cod God'

The sheriff shrugged, with a smirk "Then this god must be extremely good looking, unless your saying I look bad" he said in a somewhat sarcastic tone, the ringing had stopped.

"Anyways, so uh- kind of maybe go back to school, I was supposed to meet with Lauren today, I cant be late, oh yeah uh your Boyfriend Scott is coming here~ BYE!" she flicked her fingers disappearing

"I-HEY!-" he looked disappointed when she left, but somewhat flustered muttering words about not dating Scott, and why that would be stupid


...? |

...? |

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Jimmy swore he heard something, he looked back at the pond it seemed...Icier? The look disappeared after Jimmy almost fell in the pond after a certain blue headed man spooked the sheriff "...Scott" He seemed annoyed

"Oh come on Tim! You act as if you didn't leave your hat at my place! I'm just simply returning it" he rolled his eyes "Also what's this...? This is a Mezalian building, People haven't built like this since the Rapture, It's cool I guess"

"Mezalian-Rapture what" The sheriff had no idea what Scott was talking about

The blue shrugged "Ask Pix, he's the history guy, Anyways here's you hat, Bye Toyboy" With that he flew away leaving the sheriff nothing but confused

He equipped his hat, looking at the building that the Joel like person built "Mezalian...? Never heard of it." He blinked, it had started again. The ringing

-.... -.-.----..-.-..-.--. -.--.---...

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(lol i just thought of this and i am publishing this at 1:44 in the morning lol good for me!!)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2023 ⏰

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