Chapter 5

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Macaques eye twitched as he stared at the ceiling. The demon made sure to not give him a wink of sleep that night. All he could hear were murmurs and screams exhorting the room. The one good thing was that Wukong was in his arms, snuggling up in his chest. Macaque smiled and kissed his forehead. He looked at the window and saw the sun ascending.

He groaned and removed himself from his lover. He lit a candle and placed it on a cupboard. He put on his clothes and quietly exited the room, bringing the candle with him. Some knights were taking watch, making him feel more secure than if he were to be alone. Macaque walked within the empty corridors. Wax dripped on the candle holder, quiet footsteps and steady breathing .

He stopped when he saw a familiar ledge in which a demon once sat. He gulped and looked around, a strong breeze brushed passed him. His candle went out, leaving the vague sun to be the only light source. He kept his guard up and got into a fighting position. The demon revealed herself, her hair seemed to have prominent white streaks across her hair, along with a cold gaze.

"Macaque, how nice of you to join me. You even came early."

"Not by choice." He said, his eye bags more
obvious than last night.

"Well... have you thought upon my offer?" She asked.

Macaque deeply inhaled.

"I did, I still don't know what exactly you want from me." Macaque said.

"I simply want us to join forces. Don't worry, we won't hurt him. We'll simply strip a bit of his power."

"You promise?" He asked nervously.

Her smile widened.

"I promise." She assured him.

"Do we have a deal?" She asked, sticking out her hand.

Macaque looked at her, and then at her hand. He slowly lifted his own hand, her eyes beamed with excitement. He walked closer to the girl. Except he walked past her. The demons smile dropped.

"However many secrets he may keep from me, whatever things he wants to keep to himself... would never influence me betray him." Macaque said.

The demon cocked her head, she grinned and looked at the monkey. Macaque nervously smiled and kept his distance. He turned his back, her eyes still on him. He proceeded to walk away, he fastened his pace to widen the distance. He needed to tell Wukong about her as fast as he could before-

He stopped walking, he looked down.

His clothes had begun to be soaked in red.

An immense pain shot at his chest.

His breathing was becoming erratic. Crimson rolled down his lips. His breath haltered, his consciousness flickered. A tear rolled down his cheek and hit the floor. The girl walked in front of him, her smile enlarging.

"Don't you see monkey? Destiny will always find you. You were never meant to love him. You were always going to leave him one way or another." She said coldly.

He couldn't speak due to the blood clogging his throat. He reached out for the demons help, she smirked. She covered her mouth, a snicker escaped from her lips. The colour was washing off his face. His vision was becoming blurry, his body felt limp.

"Xiaotian... he needs me. I can't leave him." He thought.

"I have to stay awake... but it hurts so much. I need to go but they need me. I can't leave them. Wukong. Sun Wukong. My love Xiaotian. Xiaotian. My son. My baby."

His eyes moved to the rising sun. The hues of orange and pink decorated the sky. His mouth twitched as he tried to form a smile.

"Oh Taiyang Xingjun, god of the sun. Bless me with the sight of the sun that still blesses this world with its presence. Let it be the last thing I see, for I know I will never get to see my lover, nor my son... ever again."

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