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Nerine's back hit the metal of the ship, hard, making her gasp for air. The ship was sinking, and fast. She got up slowly, her muscles screaming from the impact. She grabbed her bow, which had fallen, and started to run along the side of the ship.

She heard her illu calling, and headed in that direction. Another explosion engulfed the back of the ship, almost knocking her off her feet. She leaned against the side to steady herself. She heard one of the Recom's ikran's, and reached for one of her arrows. She was horrified to find that all of the arrows had fallen out of her quiver. She crouched behind a wall to remain unseen.

Once she was sure that she was in the clear. She continued to make her way to where her illu was waiting

This mission had not gone according to plan. While they had successfully blown up the hunting ship's engines, they had also accidentally gotten the ship caught on a reef where a lot of natural gas was expelled from the planets crust. Now, they had to fall back, and fast.

Nerine ran up to the railing and looked down at the water where her illu was waiting.

The creature chirped excitedly when it saw her. Just before she could jump over, an arm wrapped around her. She instantly swung her fist, and made contact with the person's jaw.

She managed to get out of their grasp. But only to find that they were now in the way of her escape, and she was trapped.

Miles rubbed his chin where her fist had made contact. She gritted her teeth. He looked up at her. They both remained still as they waited for the other to make a move. Miles cocked an eyebrow at her.

"Princess, you're not going anywhere. You're coming with me whether you like it or not." Miles said.

Nerine snorted.

"Fat chance. I'm getting over that railing." Nerine said.

Miles smirked and tilted his head.

"Baby, I'm between you and your way out. And I'm a lot stronger than you. So, no, you're not." Miles said.

Nerine fought down the panic. He was right. There was no way out of this situation. She glared at him in frustration.

"I am not your baby, asshole." She snapped at him.

He grinned at her and got a look in his eye that made her stomach feel like it was alive.

"Oh really? That's not the impression I got back at the shuttle, remember?" he teased her. Nerine felt herself blush as the memory came rushing back. She could still feel his hands on her, and her body craved his touch again.

"I vaguely remember you asking me to make sure that no other kiss could compare to what I was going to do to you baby." He teased, watching her get more embarrassed and bothered at his words. How he longed to feel her body pressed up against his again. He took a step forward and looked at her through hooded eyes.

Nerine glanced nervously around, trying to find a way out of this situation. As he got closer, she could feel herself slowly losing control of her body as it screamed at her for stimulation. She needed to think, and fast. Her eyes caught a glimpse of something on Miles belt, and she got an idea. She just needed him to get closer. She took a step forward and brandished her knife.

"If you think I'm going to let something like that happen again, you're an idiot." She challenged.

"Oh come on now, don't be like that. I thought you enjoyed my company." Miles said.

There was another explosion, and they both struggled to keep their balance. Nerine saw her chance, and she lunged at Miles. But he saw her coming, and he grabbed her wrist, knocking the knife out of her hand. She wrenched her hand free, and glared at him. He was still in her way, but his hip was pressed up against the railing.

He glared at her in frustration.

"Ok princess, now I'm getting-" Miles started to say, but was interrupted when Nering grabbed his belt, and pulled him to her. She leaned up and crashed her lips against his. She took her other hand and wrapped it around the base of his quae, squeezing softly.

He moaned into her lips, caught completely off guard.

Nering fought the electric current zapping through her body. She was struggling keep her thoughts on one track as she prepared to follow through with her plan.

Miles hands were reaching for her waist when the hand holding the belt shot out, grabbed his hand, and handcuffed him to the railing. She jumped backwards out of his reach, and smirked, out of breathe, as he looked at his hand in shock, then at her.

She turned and jumped over the railing, but while in midair she twisted her body to face him, and flipped him off using both hands.

Miles watched as she fell into the water, then rode away on her illu until she was out of sight. He heard somewhere in the distance that they had managed to stop the ship from exploding, but he just kept staring at the water where Nerine had vanished.

He gave a small smirk and his eyes darkened.

You're in trouble now. Just wait till I get my hands on you."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2023 ⏰

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