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Nerine crouched down on the branch, her tail swishing softly underneath her. She listened carefully. She didn't want to be caught by any of the RDA or the recoms.

It had been two years since she had arrived on Pandora. She still couldn't wrap her mind around how she had ended up in the universe. The last thing she remembered before waking up in one of the Metkayina huts in a Na'vi body, was lying on the sidewalk surrounded by her family as she lay bleeding from a drive by shooting. They had literally just walked out of the theater after watching, for the third time, Avatar the way of Water. Talk about a coincidence.

Nerine shut her eyes tightly. It hurt her so much thinking about her family. She cried herself to sleep every night thinking about them.

She took a deep breath and focused back on the task at hand. She had been sent into the forest to look for a piece of equipment from an old fallen shuttle. They needed it to help power some communication modules. All radio contact had been blocked from the reef and forest tribes, rendering them blind. They needed an extra comf to help get past the RDA's blocks to get communications back up.

Once Nerine determined that she was in the clear, she slowly made her way down the tree to the forest floor. She silently snuck into the hull of the shuttle. It was at least twenty years old, taken down in the first wave of humans. It hadn't been able to handle the heavy atmosphere.

She silently made her way to the cockpit, where the object she needed to retrieve

was. She walked into a large cargo hold, tall enough for her to stand up straight. She

surveyed her surroundings, her ears flicking, listening intently for any movement.

The metal creaked slightly from the wind outside. A variety of plant life had begun to grow inside the shuttle, new life growing where life had been taken. Nerine went to take a step forward, but stopped in her tracks when she heard something small fall on the floor in another part of the shuttle. She quickly hid behind a large crate. She crouched behind it, and grabbed the naginata that she had made herself. She stopped moving. She didn't even breath.

Though it was only minutes, it felt like and eternity as Nerine listened for any sign of life. Her heart beat fast in her chest, her muscles tense and ready to run at any sign of danger. The minutes ticked by, the silence almost deafening. She peaked her head slowly around the crate, and almost passed out from relief when she saw that it was just a viperwolf. She stood up, taking her hand off her weapon. The viperwolf looked at her, then continued on minding its business.

Nerine stepped away from the crate, and shifted her bow that was slung onto her back. She began to make her way through the hold. She ducked down to walked through a doorway, but out of nowhere a leg stepped in front of her and she smacked her face into it. Before she had a chance to even process a thought, the person on the other side of the door walked forward, forcing her back as they walked through the doorway themselves. She went for her weapon, but a strong hand grabbed her arm, and held it behind her back as the pulled her to their chest.

She opened her eyes, and was met with a tank-top clad chest. She clenched her teeth and looked up, furiously meeting the eyes of the recom Miles Quaritch

"You fucking asshole." She growled.

"Hey now, calm down. I didn't know you were here either princess. You startled me

as well." Miles said.

She huffed.

Miles had been on her nerves since she her first contact with him. When she had been claiming her ikran, Miles and the other recoms had been there as well. As soon as the bond with her ikran had been made and she was in the air, they chased after her. She had been separated from the Sully's, who had taken her in, and where there with her as she claimed her ikran, Miles had cornered her, and had held her hostage while he waited for a shuttle to come pick them up. He was the one who had told her how she ended up there.

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