That Heroic Feeling I Was Looking For

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"Sir, we're receiving a signal from rooster's esat." A voice from communications speak up, her eyes widen as she looked to Bob, who shared the same look of confusion. "But there seems to be a malfunction." 

Her heart had started to race in hope, There's no way, no one could have made it out with bandits in the air, she thinks to herself. She shakes her head at the idea of him even making it out alive. 

"No, it's not." Brandy mumbles to herself, he looks to her seeing her shake her head in disbelief, the both of them look to the radio as everyone begin's to crowd around the counter that held the device. "Sir." 

"Overwatch reports an f-14 tomcat is airborne and on course for our position." Comanche informs them, hair's on her body as chills falls down her arms. A smirk worm's its way onto her face.  

"Holy shit." Phoenix whisper's in disbelief. 

"Who would be crazy enough to steal an F-14?" Fanboy asks looking around them, her smirk widens, she knew only two people in the world bold enough to do something like that. 

One of her family, and the man that had been known for his intense flying and his stats. "Who do you think?" Phoenix asks looking at the rest of the crew. 

"Maverick." Brandy answers, she chuckled lightly getting to her feet, she looks back to Bob urging him to get up with her, he nods his head. 

"Son of bitch is still alive." Coyote comments, she nods her head, Ajax and Redwing look to each other in shock, the both of them look to the their leader, she shrugs her shoulders shaking her head, she didn't have an answer for them. 

"How did they manage that? They have eyes everywhere?" Red Wing asks, she nods her head at her argument. 

"Luck?" Payback suggest to her, she sigh, if that's true then he is the luckiest bastard i've ever met. Brandy think's looking around at her crew, all of their look's of fear had been replaced by a hopeful glint in their eyes. The radio falls back to the faint white noise that had filled the room only a few minutes before. 

"Where are they, why aren't they talking?" Brandy asks standing in front of the radio, her eye's dart between the device and her crew mates. "They might be too far out?" Bob suggests, she shakes her head. 

"No, their airbourne, didn't you hear?" She reminds him, his gaze on her softened as he looked at her, she gulp's as she starts messing with the dials of the radio, hoping that she would fix it and hear her friend's voice, maybe even a mumble. 

"There's got to be something, like.they..cant be too far right?" She asks them all, a few mumbles agreed with her while everyone else looked at her like sympathetically. She blink's shaking her head. 

"Fuck." She mumble's under her breath, she turns on her feet opening the door exiting the room, Redwing sighed at her friend's stress, she looks at the rest of them who seemed uneasy at her outburst. Her eye's meet Bob, he seemed like he was asking permission from her, she nods her head. 


Brandy paced back and forth between the small hallway, she was thankful that no one else was watching her, knowing she more than likely looks like she is crazy as she mumbled to herself,Her boots squeaks as she pivot turns back to the wall. 

"This isn't happening." She whisper's, running her hand across her sweaty forehead.  "It's okay, it's okay." Her voice was starting to break, if she could scream she would, scream at the world for trying to take away the best thing in her life, she stop pacing, leaning her back against the cold metal wall. 

She gripped the side's of her head tightly, trying to physically stop her own thoughts. She lets out a shaky breath, Just calm down, you'll be okay. She had gone through worse in her entire life, this one was just another messed up thing to add to her trauma, Survivor's guilt would be a hard pill to swallow, can't be any worse then her depression she already deal's with. 

𝙂𝙡𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙂𝙤𝙡𝙙  [B.Floyd}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat