Nobody Said It Was Easy

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"Its locked, I got it! I got!

 "Fire now!" He orders her, she nods her head giving him a quick thumbs up before she gripped her controller with a death grip. 

"Copy! Firing now!"

 In seconds her thumb is on the trigger releases the missles on to the targeted center of the valley, she huffs pulling up hard feeling the G Force on her body start to impact on her body making her vision grow dark and fade in and out. Everything her body was fighting with her to stay awake as she hoped and prayed to anything that this wasn't a fail, this will not be the day she failed. |
Please let me have this just this once, please oh please dont let me fall. She pleads in her head as she gasps for air as the pressure weighted on her more and more. The sounds of her wingman grunting and panting can be heard to her, she couldn't imagine what was going through their heads while their spine begin to crush. 

"It's a Bullseye!" Ajax shouts. 

Goosebumps flood her arm as they level themselves out. Brandy begins to laugh out loud as she removes her mask from her face, her chest still ached from the climb out only she could feel her heart pounding hard as she looked to her wingman who celebrated with her. She sniffles wiping her eyes as tears of joy flood her blue irises, she did it, she thinks to herself as she lifts her arms up in victory. 
She feels her plane begin to drop making her exclaim as she reaglins, she can hear Ajax laughing at her mistake, in the excitement she forgot she was flying as heavy aircraft. 

"That was amazing!"

"Holy shit we did it!" Red Wing laughs, she nods her head wiping her eyes trying to stop her tears. "Yeah!" 

"Do my eyes deceive me are those tears?" Ajax teases, she playfully lifts her middle finger to him making him make a dramatic gasp. "So vulgar." 

"Shut up!" She exclaims in a fit of laughs, she remembered this is what she liked, this was the feeling she loved more than anything, she could feel her skin tingly and her heart pounding louder, she grins leaning back as they continue on course back to the base. 

"Hey Jax!" She shouts to him, he looks to her sharing her same expression. "You did good." 

"You too, Daredevil." 

"Aww you two!" Red Wing teases the both of them, if she could she would have playfully nudged her friend  only she was flying. Brandy laughs again blushing at her teases wiping off the beads of sweat from her forehead as the sun shined through her glass of her plane. 


She exits the plane removing her helmet as she steps down from with the help of steps, her face was hurting from her grinning so much that she was trying to stop only failing as she can feel the rush from the air still on her as she walks past the other jets of her crewmates. She looks to her wingman and her backseater as they walk alongside her. 

"That was some good shooting out there Gallagher." Ajax compliments her, she shrugs her shoulder smirking, she gripped the strap of the inside of her helmet, she didn't even think she was gonna hit the target, she thought it was gonna be another miss. 

"Oh what am I mushroom, I covered your ass." Red Wing speaks up extending her arms, the height difference between her and her backseater being noticeable as she stands in the middle of the two of them. 

"Yes, you were great and I love you for it." Ajax tells her, she smirks nodding her head impressed. "That sounds better." 

"You guys should kiss up to me all the time I love it." She jokes holding her helmet, a bright red helmet with white wings on each side and her call sign on the front, in contrast to her RIOS, his being a bright baby blue helmet with a yellow eagle symbol on the top of the helmet with his call sign. 

Glitter and Gold [B.Floyd}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora