x. ice picks and mountains

Start from the beginning

People congratulated her, thanked her, asked her to sign their 'RAVENCLAW'S TOP SEEKER' apparel on her way to the change room. 

But the adrenaline she felt during all of that, it didn't match the sense of accomplishment she felt when a dark haired boy — usually wearing silver and green — decked out in blue and silver for her game, gave her a smile and told her how proud he was.

Raya couldn't wait for the term to finish. There were only a few days left and most teachers were in good spirits. Snape had cooled off on the amount of work he gave them, even managing to fit a lesson on how to make eggnog with butterbeer after Nathaniel somehow convinced him it counted as a potion. 

The only teacher who seemed to go harder on them was Dumbridge.

She'd been appalled that Harry and the Weasleys left early — after being informed that Mr. Weasley had been injured — right under her nose and that she had no say in it. Nowadays, she'd been giving detentions to anyone who breathed too loudly.

"I hate that bitch," Nathaniel muttered, scratching his hand as he left her class.

Nathaniel had been on the receiving end of her bad temper, and had landed in detention for tapping his foot during class. Raya was the one who headed down to help him after it was over.

"Stop touching," Raya slapped his hand away. "You know that only makes it worse."

"She's such a pain," he groaned, following Raya up to the Ravenclaw common room where the rest of their friends were waiting for them.

Cho immediately took his hand and sunk it in a bowl of Murlap essence that Cierra had gotten ready.

"Is it just me or has she gotten worse?" Thomas asked, one eye on Nathaniel's injured hand. 

"She's gotten worse," Elias agreed. "It's because the Weasleys left to see their dad without informing her."

"Power hungry psycho bitch," Nathaniel muttered, wincing as he pulled his hand out.

"Will you stop doing that?" Cho swatted his arm and stuck his hand back in the bowl. "You need to let it heal properly, and then you can bandage it."

"He's not wrong though," Cierra said, pointing at Nathaniel. "I mean there's literally no reason why they shouldn't be allowed to leave a few days early to see their injured father. It's just a power thing with her."

Raya and her friends nodded, all in agreement. 

The last few days were agony, with Dumbridge handing out twenty three detentions in her last few classes. Raya was lucky not to be a part of them. After her first detention, she'd cleaned up her act in front of Dumbridge. With the Order running out of her house, there was no reason to give Dumbridge a reason to suspect Raya's involvement.

When the Hogwarts Express arrived at Platform Nine and Three Quarters to drop off all those returning for the Christmas holidays, she and Kayse bid goodbye to her friends who were also going to their homes for the break.

"Merry Christmas!" she waved at them.

"Happy Christmas!" they said back to her.

Raya rolled her eyes, slipping her hand in Kayse's as they made their way to Raya's dad, Alphanso.

"Hey kiddos," he pulled the two in for a hug. "Leave your bags with Rosie. She'll send them back to the house. C'mon now, I heard everyone needs help with the Christmas decorations."

"We're not going to Godric's Hollow?" Kayse asked, looking around as Alphanso led them out of the station.

"No, we won't be going there," Alphanso told them. "I've got to leave soon, and you two can't stay in the house all by yourself. Besides, most of the other kids are there too."

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