"Excuse me! Would any of you be willing to give up your seat?"

Literally no one moved.

If that doesn't say something about today's society, she doesn't know what will. Then again, the awkward silence is screeching in her ears. She might as well be a decent human being for once in her life.

She stood up from her spot and slung her backpack over her shoulder. Moving out into the isle, she gestured towards her seat. "You can have my seat, I don't mind."

Seeing Kushida's eyes slightly twitch was the best part.

But it also tells her that her plan to stay low didn't work.

"Thank you, dearie. I quite like your earrings too." Oh, she noticed them? Is having two piercings in both ears really that uncommon in Japan?

"Thanks. Your sweater is lovely as well." Suzune responded in kind as she stood near the front of the bus. The school was only like five minutes away so her legs will deal with it.

Now, if only Ayanokoji could stop burning holes into the back of her neck.


Suzune whistles while looking up at the sight in front of her.

Damn, that is some property value. She knows that it was built by the government and all but geez dude, there's no way that's anywhere near the word cheap.

The cherry blossoms flowing everywhere truly make it feel like she's in an anime world.

Oh wait, she is.

"Hey." A familiar protagonist's voice appeared behind her. Turning around, she was met with the one and only.

"Morning. Is there a problem?" Getting straight to the point is always best.

"Ah, no. I was just wondering if there was any particular reason you gave up your seat to the old lady. It's fine if you don't want to answer." He continued.

Ah, right, how could she forget?

This guy literally can't feel anything and has terrible socialization skills. He's probably trying to grasp why she did something so quote unquote 'unusual' with no benefit towards herself in any way, shape, or form.

She sighed. "No, there was no ulterior motive. I just gave up my seat to her because it was a polite thing to do. Plus, the situation would've escalated if I didn't do anything." She stuck her hand out to him. "The name's Horikita Suzune. We'll probably being seeing each other around from now on."

The protagonist was silent for a few seconds before he firmly returned the gesture. "Ayanokoji Kiyotaka."

"It's probably a good idea to head to the entrance ceremony now. You coming with?" He nodded and the duo made their way to the brick building located near the school entrance.


This 'entrance ceremony' sucks ass.

Having to repeatedly stand up and sit down should not be this irritating.

So, to make it way more enjoyable, Suzune and Ayanokoji sat beside each other and made small talk. Eventually that got boring, so they instead made small talk about the people around them.

Which was way more fun.

"The foreign student over there is wearing dark tinted glasses in a dark auditorium, I wonder why?"

"Maybe he needs a specific prescription for his eyes. You never know."

Their conversation was flowing smoothly.

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