chapter 3*

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"Mirabel its time to go" her abuela shouted, she tensed up but walked to the door where her abuela was standing "are you sure you're okay?" alma asked, Mirabel tensed up but nodded anyway

They made their way to Marcus's house before knocking on the door, a few minutes later he opened the door with a smile noticing that Mirabel was there.

They both were passed a drink, and Mirabel cautiously downed the whole thing, because she was nervous, It had a disgusting taste, she grimaced.

5 minutes later and they both were talking about the rebuild of the house, and what would go where, while Mirabel just sat there normally she would help but she just couldn't talk much around him.

She was brought out of her thoughts by Abuela saying "What do you think Mirabel?" her abuela asked "what, oh uh yeah sounds good" she said and they nodded, "okay its sorted" Mr rotalez said.

30 minutes later and it was time for Mirabel and alma to leave "abuela could you wait outside I need to talk to Mr rotalez" she said and alma nodded leaving them both.

"what did you want to talk about" she said, crossing her arms "don't be like that" he said making his way towards her.

His eyes landed on her neck "oh I see you covered my designs, although I would've preferred them to be on show, I cant get them suspicious can I?" he said smirking.

She shivered under her gaze, "shut up, and answer" she said annoyed "shhhh I know you liked it" he replied, her eyes were getting hazy and blurry even though she had her glasses on

"Cállate" she said and he did nothing but stare at her, before she even noticed he was now in front of her, tucking a hair behind her ear he leaned down and kissed her, after a few minutes she felt a sting in her neck and then another sting, out of the corner of her eye she saw 2 syringes.

He licked her lip, asking for entrance but she denied him, trying to pull away, but once again she failed.

He groped her nipple making her gasp, taking the opportunity he stuck his tongue in her mouth exploring it, then slipped his hand down her pants.

"no, stop" she said but he didn't stop and entered a finger inside her, she whined in pain and tried to push him of her but it didn't work, "get the fuck of me, your hurting me" she said

He has now 3 fingers inside her and a thumb rubbing furiously at her clit, her wrists were pinned against a wall above her head and he was making new marks on her neck.

She moaned as she felt a pressure in her lower stomach, he quickly brought his head up and kissed her silencing her, she couldn't do anything except from let everything happen.

She felt disgusted, was he telling the truth, did she want this, no she didn't, but then why was she feeling this pressure

The pressure snapped, and she came he removed his fingers and cleaned her up, he then moved to unbuckle his belt "please I don't want this" she said.

He didn't listen and instead turned her around and pinned her once again against the wall, "please let me go, I'm sorry I won't tell anyone" she said.

"don't worry I'll be quick" he said, his trousers were down to his knees and her skirt was pushed up, and before she knew it he entered her making her scream.

He quickly covered her mouth "shut the fuck up" he said, thrusting inside her, the door opened and a gasp could be heard.

Her eyes were getting blurry, she thinks its because of the tears falling down her cheeks but she's not sure, the world around her was caving down.

Alma heard the scream and was worried, so she went inside just to find, her nieta pinned against the wall, crying.

She gasped but he didn't seem to hear it, and continued raping her youngest granddaughter, with a hand over her mouth and her wrists pinned above her head.

Her eyes seemed like they were drooping "what the fuck do you think your doing" she shouted, he jumped away from her nieta.

Who collapsed onto the floor, from the sudden removal, "donâ alma, I can explain-" he rushes to say and explain but alma quickly put her palm up.

Her eyes darted between her nieta who was on the floor, sweating and trying to stay awake and the Mr rotalez, that's when she noticed 2 syringes out of the corner of her eye.

"What have you given her!" she demanded "not-" he was cut off by the door slamming open revealing her oldest daughter and Luisa "Dolores said that Mirabel was in tr-" Julieta was saying but trailed of by the sight of her daughter.

Mirabel was layed on the floor, sweating but shaking, her skirt had fell and concealed what had gone on and there was blood dripping down her leg

Her daughter looked at the syringes and rushed over to Mirabel, "we need to get her to throw up" she says, Isabella then comes through the door.

"Isabella tie that man with vines" alma says before rushing over to her nieta who was sweating and struggling to stay awake.

Julieta was already there getting her to sit up but her head just dropped "someone get me a bin" she shouted.

A bin was quickly placed in front of Mirabel, "im sorry, mi bebe but its the only way" Julieta says and before anyone could ask what she meant she was sticking 2 fingers down Mirabel's throat, who in return gagged.

After a few minutes she emptied the contents of her stomach into the bin, her mums fingers coming out of her mouth as she did so, she groaned as she looked around the room "can't... see" she says groggily.

"shhhh, its alright" her abuela soothed, how was everything alright? she felt hot and clammy and her head hurt, she cant even keep her eyes open.

Her head was against Julieta's chest who in return stoked her hair, Her eyes fell closed no matter how many pleads she heard.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2023 ⏰

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