First meetings

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Y/Ns pov

As I was helping my best friend Enid Sinclair clean up our shared dorm room awaiting another roommate I managed clean up my side while Enid was having some troubles getting all her colourful clothes and stuffed animals set in a neat looking fashion so I decided I'd help but just as I was walking over to do so the door swans open to reveal Principal Weems two adults who where almost completely black and white and one small but rather pretty girl who also happens to be in black and white more so then her parents as they have wide smiles covering there faces but her, she only have a blank face almost mad at everyone and everything but oh well some people are like that I suppose

As I look at the girl I genuinely notice how pretty she is her two braid that sit so perfectly on her shoulders her black and white dress that fits her quite nicely the piercingly dark eyes that could stone anyone who looks at her too long anyways she's surly something

Enid jumps from her spot she was standing on to greet the girl "Howdy roomie" Enid says with a wide smile while I just sit on my bed and stare at the two of them "This is Enid Sinclair and that over there is Y/N L/N" i don't say a thing but nod my head as she stares at me but turns her focus back to Enid "Are you feeling okay? You look a little uh pale" Enid says her hands gesturing to her own face, I mentally slap myself for how upfront Enid can be "Wednesday always looks half dead" the man who I presume is her father says "Oh well welcome to Ophelia Hall" Enid says opening her arms to hug Wednesday she steps closer as Wednesday steps back I silently watch them still seeing this unfold "Not a hugger, Got it" Enid says still as cheerful as ever I swear nothing can hurt that girls feelings "Please excuse Wednesday she's allergic to colour" The taller women says as she looks at Enid side of the room

"What happens to you?" Enid says a little frightened "I break out into hives and the flesh peels off my bones" Enid seems a little grossed out by that but me I find it cool and now hearing Wednesdays seemingly monotone voice makes me somewhat smile "She speaks" i says as everyone turns too look at me "oh uh ignore what I said carry on talking" I say with a awkward face "Uh anyways luckily we've special ordered you a uniform, Enid and Y/N please take Wednesday to get her uniform and copy of her schedule and a tour along the way" Principle Weems says with a wide smile "Hey why do I have to go it only requires one person for that" I say with a little huff "Because your Wednesdays roommate also which means you follow the tour as it goes along" Weems says still oddly calm, i sigh and get up to follow along

Wednesday turns around to face her parents stares at them both then exits with Enid skipping away behind her and me following with her another huff of annoyance as right now I could be reading or better yet sleeping but unfortunately it's whatever I'll be able to get to know Wednesdays now perhaps that won't be a bad thing

"Nevermore was founded In 1791 to educate people like us Outcasts, freaks, monsters, Fill in your favourite group here" Enid says rather calm now that she's stopped skipping I just nod my head not really wanting to be there "You can save the sanitised sales pitch" Wednesday says turning to us both "I don't plan on staying here for long" she says blankly "Why not?" I butt into the conversation now interested "This was my parents idea, Oh look there's my mother smirking at me" she says looking at a picture frame from years ago "They were looking for any excuse to send me here, it's all apart of there tedious yet painfully obvious plan" she again says rather blankly "What plan?" Enid says a little more interested then I was "to turn me into a version of themselves" she says still staring at us both "Well in that case perhaps you could clear something up, Rooms been swirling around that you killed a boy from your old school anddd your parents pulled strings to get you off" Enid asked now walking with Wednesday again "ENID" I say half yell

"Whattt I had to know rumours are my life remember" Enid says trying to ease out what she asked the girl "No no Y/N it's quite fine, Now it was actually two kids but who's counting" Wednesday says in a monotone voice that makes Enid stop and for me to look at her "Hey you asked she answered that's your own fault" I said with a chuckle as I walked after Wednesday Enid did catch up as she opened the doors to the Quad that was quite honestly shaped like a pentagon "Welcome to the quad" Enid says happily "It's a pentagon" Wednesday states looking around "God thank you I've been trying to tell people that for ages" I say fake sighing but get no response but a elbow gab by Enid "The whole snarky goth girl thing might have worked at not ir school but here things are different" Enid says as she returns to looking around i again mentally face slap at her weirdly accurate insult "Anyways lemme give you a wiki on Nevermores social scene" Enid says walking whilst me and Wednesday follow "I'm not interested in participating in tribal adolescent cliches" Wednesday states

"Well use it to fill your obviously bottomless pit of distain, There are many flavours of outcasts, But the four main clicks are fangs furs stoners and scales, Those" Enid says as she points to a group fangs "Those are the fangs aka vampires, some of them have literally been here for decades" Enid says looking at them then walking off again "all this walking is gonna make my legs give outtt" I whine but get ignored again "And those are the furs aka werewolf's, like me! Though full moons will get pretty loud out here that's when furs like wolf out so I suggest you get noise cancelling headphones" Enid states but gets pretty proud when she says she's one of them "So Y/N what creature are you?" Wednesday turns to me suddenly I just look down at her and smile "I'd rather not say but with how smart you seem you should be able to figure it out" I say with a smirk she looks back to the group of kids in a small huff only I noticed though "I'm assuming scales are sirens"Wednesday says looking at the group of scales "You catch on quick" I say pretty impressed Wednesday looks me up and down and simple nods, WAIT Did she just check me out?!?! My thoughts where interrupted by Enid's voice "And that girl Bianca Barcley is the closest thing Nevermore has to royalty although her crowns been slipping lately she used to date our resident tortured artist Xavier Thorpe but they broke up beginning of the semesters" Enid simply states  "Reason unknown" I finish off, Wednesday simply nods along not interested in any of it "Fascinating" is all Wednesday has to say about the information she was told "I know right my blog is like the number one source to Nevermore gossip" Enid says grabbing onto Wednesdays shoulder excitingly i just roll my eyes "Enid that blog is full of rumours hardly any are true" i state Enid looks at me before shrugging and turning around to only be met with Ajax infront of her "Yo Enid your not gonna believe the dirt I hurt about your new roommate, She eats human flesh totally chowed down on that kid she murdered" Ajax says with a slightly worried tone i again roll my eyes at the idiotic tendency the kids at this school have but that's when both me and Enid step to the side to reveal Wednesday standing behind us "Quite the contrary I actually fillet the bodies and feed them to my various pets" Wednesday says blankly staring at the sound petrified looking stoner "Ajax this is mine and Y/Ns new roommate Wednesday" Enid says now staring at the still scared stoner "Wait yo you all have to share a room?" He says slightly confused

"Uh yeah well they asked me to move out but I insisted on staying so they just added another to the doom as there's no empty ones in the girls halls" I stated calmly looking at him but he just shakes his head and looks Wednesday up and down fast as can be "Your in black and white like a living instagram filter" he says now puzzled by the girls look "Ignore him he spends wayyy to much time getting stoned pretty ironic for his groups name" I say chuckling softly "Yeahh he's cute but clueless, It's a small school but there wasn't much online about you, Oh oh you know you should really get on Insta snapchat and TikTok" Enid slightly blushes after calling him cute but quickly recoils to ask Wednesday to join her socials "Uh Enid i doubt she'd ever even want to be on those apps I mean first of all they just make you self conscious as hell and second most are prettyyy boring, I may have a phone but god help me I never use it" I say laughing at the last part Enid just rolls her eyes and turns back to Wednesday awaiting an answer "Well I find social media to be a soul sucking meaningless way of affirmations" Wednesday states before walking off I just stay there looking at Enid "Yeah sooo since she left I'm just gonna head on out too byeeee" I say as I walk away back to my dorm

Until I run into a little problem.


Second chapter I hope y'all like it

I'm adding in my own characters one being a guy called Ethan he's your school bully

That's all byeeee

Word count: 1729

Wednesday is full of woe Where stories live. Discover now