001 : an old friend.

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"TANNER !" you screamed , voice echoing throughout the house. you waited for a few seconds before going to scream again. luckily you got a reply. "yeah !?" a male called back. thatd be tanner. your younger brother. it was his first day of freshman year today , it was your first day of junior year , so it was your job to show him around. "are you all ready?" you asked. you walked out of the bathroom and closed the door , meeting him at the entrance of your house.

you tutted and rolled your eyes , brushing down some fluff on his ears. "you scruff." you joked , earning a playful nudge from the younger. "i am not a scruff." he laughed. you shrugged with a teasing look on your face while leaving the house, tanner following close behind. "y/n !? im not a scruff!"

the walk to school was same as usual , except the fact , this time you had tanner nerding off about how excited he was. you often reminded him that it wasnt all he was making it out to be. you didnt want to crush his dreams or hope but you also didnt want him to go to school , get disappointed and end up how you did in freshman year.

you were so excited and it was all you had spoken about all summer. you got ready , went , and within your first week you were already regretting even signing up. people were mean , homework was hard and you ended up getting involved in the wrong crowd. obviously , you had matured since then and got back on the right track. you didnt want tanner to go down that path.

when you both got to the school , your hands rested on your forhead to ignore the bright sun. your brown eyes scanned around the school grounds before you pointed to an open door. "head in there , thats where freshman get their timetable. ill be right outside if you wanna come see me after , okay?" you sent a reassuring smile to your sibling , his worried face defusing slightly. before you could even speak , his arms were wrapped around you in a tight hug. you laughed and carefully wrapped your arms around him. "you little softy .. youll be fine. youre a werewolf! no one will mess with you. go ahead." you encouraged. eventually , he did go , not before looking back at you for a minute.

now it was just a choice of who to go speak to. thanks to your freshman antics , you had very few people that actually tolerated you. god .. how stupid you were. gene had no right to encourage the behaviour he did. you hoped he matured one day and realised how childish he was acting. "hey, y/n !" speak of the devil.

a groan left your lips as you turned around , the devil advocate coming into eye sight. he looked the same as always. messy black hair , rolled up sleeves and that radiating ego. "what do you want?" you mumbled. he smirked. "hm? what was that? speak up." he teased. his stupid teasing. his head was too big for his own good. you tutted and turned on your heel , beginning to walk.

jesus how desperate is this guy? he ran and wrapped his arm around you ,, smiling at you. "cmon! not even gonna speak to me?" genes voice was all too cheery for the sour departure you guys had just a few months prior. you shoved him off of you , turning towards him. "quit it with the friends act gene!" you growled , ears twitching slightly. "we arent friends and you know that, im not apart of your little possy anymore!" you screamed. a few eyes had landed on you two as he chuckled. "you can take the girl out of the shadow knights but you cant take the shadow knight out of the girl. youve still got a tempter. too bad youre not putting it to use.." you knew that tone. all he wanted to do was convince you to do his dirty work. you werent falling for it. not again. not ever. "quit it. its not happening." you stormed off.

the halls were still as bland as they were the past three years. your tail lowly moved side to side as you walked , a bored look on your face. you had no one to talk to. it was kind of depressing. the only other person that didnt hate you was ..

"dante." you smiled. leant on a locker close to your homeroom was the electric haired boy. he looked up from his phone with a grin , throwing his arms around you. "y/n , nice to see you. pretty as always." he flirted while pulling away. you gave him a warning look as you leaned next to him. "ah , none of that. im not one of your play toys." you reminded. his hands shot up in defense as he laughed , his eyes creasing as he did so. "have you spoken to gene?" he asked.

your face dropped slightly , looking away out into the hall filled with students. a sigh and then you spoke. "he tried. im not falling for his bullshit though , i let him push me around too much. my brother goes here now , i cant be around people like that." you explained. "no offense , i get hes your brother and all." dante offered a soft smile as he shook his hand slightly. "no worries, gene can be a handful. just dont let him get under your skin."

you nodded knowingly , some of your dark black hair falling infront of your face. gene could be a dick. infact he was always one. it was a shame , he could be nice sometimes. if he was always like that maybe the friendship couldve lasted. — but .. your dignity was more important you. he wasnt the type of person you wanted to hang around. "thanks , dante. i just hope i can get through the next two years without him bothering me."


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