Chapter 2-Cross Realm Unlikely Friends

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Chapter 2

Only days after my parents had died, I rolled over in bed at the hospital.

It was cold out now; I couldn't imagine how the heat had been so real to me then. I breathed out and a cloud of heat appeared before my eyes.

Getting up, I peered into the mirror and saw with astonishment that my hair was bright red. It had been brown only hours ago. My skin was clear of any burns, shocking doctors, and it was much tanner than before, surprising me.

I looked out the window and saw a young boy with black hair walking along the sidewalk. After pushing the window open, I shouted down to him; I was only on the second floor. "Hi!"

He looked up. "What do you want?"

I shrugged. "You're alone."

He gave me a questioning look. "What's your name?"

"Eren. What's yours?"

"Loki of Asgard."

From that day forward Loki and I became good friends. Loki told me all about Asgard, showed me his powers, and I helped him learn about Midgard, or earth.

That winter I nearly died. I couldn't stay warm enough; covered in quilts, wearing sweatpants and a coat, indoors, I was still chilled to the bone. When Loki came by, he often kept a fire going for me in the fireplace of my home, where I lived with an uncle that worked day and night.

"You should come to Asgard," said Loki one winter's day.

I sighed. "Is it warm there?"

"Yes. Come on; Thor will want to meet you."

Grinning, I bore the cold for a moment, grabbing Loki's hand and dashing outside; he landed a quarter of a mile from my house. "Heimdall!"

I felt my insides growing warmer with every passing second; lights swirled around us, colors I'd never seen surrounded me. Loki smiled at me.

Seconds later we were running down the Bifrost to the palace, and I was more excited than I could possibly say. "Let's see Thor first," he said. "He's probably on the training ground."

The twelve-year-old boy was indeed where his brother said. I gasped when I saw him. He was massive, very intimidating beside his lean, less athletic brother. But when Thor saw us, he ran over. I hid behind Loki, who laughed.

"Loki! I have been looking for you!" His eyes drifted to me. "Is this where you have been going? Move aside, Brother!" He pushed Loki aside.

I took a few steps back. Loki moved back in front of me, which made me relax slightly. "You're scaring her, Thor. This is her first time here; be gentle."

Relaxing only just, Thor stretched his hand out. I warily took it, and he raised it to his lips and kissed my fingers. Loki didn't seem to like this. "Are you warm now?" he asked.

I nodded, rubbing my arms. It was warm here, much more so than my home, and I didn't want to ever leave.

Years passed; I spent much of my winters in Asgard with the Lady Sif, Warriors three, and the two princes. Odin had not been happy when he found me coming and going so freely, but I continued to do so, and he had found no way to stop me short of telling Heimdall not to allow me through. However, the incessant pleas of the two princes caused him to allow me anyway.

It was a summer day, when I was alone, that I discovered why winter affected me as it did. I was sixteen and swimming, which caused steam to rise above the surface wherever I was (that often entertained Loki).

I got out and was drying off when I breathed out heavily onto the towel; it erupted into flames. With a scream I threw it into the water, but the flames didn't go out.

Alone as I was, I had no one to advise me against my next move. I slipped back into the water, ignoring the hissing steam and diving beneath the surface. I hesitated, then reached out and touched the fire. It didn't hurt. In fact, it felt nice.

That's when I discovered I could create and control waterproof fire.

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