Episode 7: A stained dragon

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Y/N: who the fuck cares, so what if I'm caught, I'll get out again and I can go back to doing our thing, this time I'll be extra careful and make sure people don't recognise my quirk so nobody puts two and two together.

Stain: your seriously going back to killing after what happend? No, it's over for you L/N, your already at the risk of getting executed if you make one wrong move at that school, don't play with your life like this you idiot.

Y/N: this is what I do stain! I see a fake hero and I murder them.

Stain: you shouldn't even be a hero killer in the first place, look at you, you have a way worse reputation then me and now you have the whole world looking for you, heroes from other countries are coming to Japan just to find you, your even risking your life right now being here talking to me right now.

Y/N: it doesn't concern you what happends to me stain! you know I'm not stupid enough to just expose myself for saving one ordinary kid, believe I don't even care if the whole U.A school blows up and kills everyone, I did it to try and save the one person that can be a genuine hero in the future. Atleast I can see a persons true hero potential based on there actions, I don't care if I'm young and I already hate pro heroes, I do it cause I want to, because heroes are fakes and they don't deserve to carry that tital of a hero and I'll do my best to expose them once and for al- (Y/N spoke, he was cut off when stain wheezed abit and began to laugh at what he just said)

Stain: you think your doing this because you think heroes are fake? Oh please don't think we have thesame idea. Our goals are thesame yeah, but our reasons are completely different L/N. You wanna expose them sure, but your reason for it is not thesame as mine.

Y/N: what the hell are you talking about.

Stain: when you told me about what happend to you...about how you were homeless...how nobody came to help you or how people beat you so hard where you had to crawl and knock down a trashcan to find food...   I did some thinking about your morals and well...you don't have any. You say you have thesame reason as me, but really you don't, but the real reason is because you want revenge.

Y/N: revenge?

Stain: your not doing this for the sake of cleansing the earth of fakes, your doing this cause you could never get over the fact nobody came to help you when you were crying on the side of the street like a little bitch and what I learned from you these past memories is skrills can hold a grudge...a very very very bad grudge.

Y/N: is that what you take me for stain? Yeah I'm mad about what happend to me, but...I...I (Y/N slowed down, actually not knowing how to respond to what he said)

Stain: we don't have thesame reasons L/N, we never did. I do it for the sake of society, you do it for revenge. People didn't help you when you hit rock bottom and now you want those people gone, your not a hero killer L/N....your just a baby that could never get what he wants. Think about that for a minute before you think your reasons are thesame as mine.

Y/N was left there standing at what he said, he tried to speak and think of something to say, but he just couldn't think of anything or knew what to say. Stain turned and began to walk away, he wanted to keep talking, but didn't felt like it anymore, learning his lesson that Y/N just wouldn't listen to a word he says...as so he thinks.

He went to the edge of the building, turning his head to look at Y/N one last time before speaking.

Stain: your not me...your never me. So stop pretending like you are and actually stop endangering your life...maybe all might taking you to U.A might actually help you (stain spoke before jumping off the roof, leaving Y/N all alone on the roof)

He stood there, thinking about what stain said to him, how there reasons for killing were completely different. He hated the memories of being left alone on the streets and yeah he wouldn't stop thinking about it and suuuure that's what drove him to being a hero killer in the first place and...well now hearing this on his own it now make sense why stain said this in the first place

But was he right...?

They did have thesame goal, but remembering what made him hate heroes in the first place...it did make sense why he would turn out this way.

His eyes widened abit in realizing, stain was indeed...right. he did became this way and hated heroes for his past, he wanted to expose those heroes because they were fake yes, but for the sake of society...no. he didn't care and he never did,he just wanted to expose them to enjoy the feeling of seeing those heroes be exposed and the world to see who they really are. He didn't wish for anybody to have thesame faith as him, but didn't care what he will do to the heroes for that goal.

Was he fit to being a hero killer like stain for his lack of noble reasons? He wasn't sure anymore and was he actually going to listen to stain and still go to U.A cause it might help him? With what stain said today that practically paralysed him with truth he was thinking about it now. Yeah there was people nice to him and the teachers were doing there best to get his life on track, but where they doing it for him or popularity?

Y/N: stain is...right?

There was much to cover and he didn't know when to start, maybe he can try and be a little nice to the students there and see if they had good intentions and try to figure out the rest. He hated U.A, but maybe, just maybe he can try and get use to it for stain and see how much it helped him.

He grew out his wings and teared threw his shirt, he flapped his wings and began to fly away, flying all the way back to his house but slower then before as he was still confused at stains words. He made sure to go high in the night sky so nobody would see him and made sure he stayed hidden in the clothes so he wouldn't get detected by any hero.

Once he had reached him, he snuck in threw his bedroom window, opening it and going inside while closing it once he got in. He looked around the room and stayed as quiet as possible to make sure he wasn't caught. He quietly walked to his bed, getting on it and going under the covers and pretended like he was asleep.

He stared up his ceiling as he kept thinking to himself about stains words. Can U.A really help him? That was the thought that confused him, he would always ignore the teachers and try to avoid any kid that came near him cause he believe they were fakes...but what if he let his gaurd down just abit? What would change?

He didn't know wha to do, all he can do is see what will happen tomorrow and see where it goas from there, maybe he can let his gaurd down abit, but not fully, he still didn't trust anybody yet, he wants to see what happends when he let's his gaurd down just once.

He closed his eyes, trying to fall asleep so he can have enough rest for school tomorrow. He began sleeping peacefully till his eyes began to light up, opening them slightly to see his bedroom lights were on.

His eyes shot wide open as he turned to his light switch, seeing max was standing there not and he wasn't happy at all, which basically didn't change at this point.

Max: you really think I wouldn't check up on you at night?


The end

A/N: yeah, I deeply apologise that this was kinda short, I promise next chapter won't be like something like that and I'll try to make other chapters more enjoyable for you all. Anyway see ya later!

Chapter question: who is your favourite dragon from how to train your dragon?

I'm Gonna Kill Them All...(Male Villain Reader x My Hero Academia)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin