CH-2 (M)

677 29 6


Physical abuse, blood, sexual assault and rape.


Yeonjun took the tray and walked towards the dining table, "That man looked very strange..." He spoke, placing the tray over the table.

"What do you mean?" Asked Jihoon taking out his burger from the tray.

"He didn't seem like others. Others come here for sex only." Yeonjun explained.

"What else did he came here for? To play games?" Jihoon joked, Yeonjun gave a glare to him, "There's no point  in talking to you. I'll tell this to Sullyoon."

Jihoon snorted, taking a big bite of his burger, "Why are you so concerned about Minji?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm not concerned about her, if that man hurts her face, we will have a lose to our business. You don't understand! I need money! Customers like sexy faces."

"Oh... Her face is sexy?" Jihoon spoke.

Yeonjun didn't answer him, taking the tray with him, he walked outside, "Yeonjun! Give me my burger!" Jihoon yelled at him but Yeonjun left in a hurry.


Gripping over the tray nervously, he knocked over the door.

The door opened, revealing a man, "She's taking a bath."

"I want to meet her, it's urgent."

"Wait here."


The man returned and gestured Yeonjun to get inside.

Yeonjun walked towards the bathroom, he knocked once before entering inside, "Ma'am..." He started, his gaze fell over the woman, sitting inside the spacious jacuzzi, having her red wine.

"Yes, Yeonjun. It's urgent you said?" She turned around to face him, her breasts on full view, walking towards the edge she rested her hands, keeping her glass aside and gave a smile to Yeonjun.

"I brought burgers for us..." Yeonjun kept the tray aside over a table.

"What is it?" She asked.

Yeonjun walked towards her and got on his knees.

"The man who took Minji with him. I think he wasn't right..."

"Explain what you mean by right."

"I don't know, what if he abuses her? Her face will be ruined... How will we continue our business?" Yeonjun explained.

"You don't have to worry about that. That man is rich. So i don't mind if he ruins her face, we can treat her again." Sullyoon stated.

"But ma'am..." He stopped talking when Sullyoon turned around, "You can leave." She spoke, "Close the door when you leave."

Yeonjun got up from the floor and walked towards the door.


The next day Yeonjun was ordered to take Minji to her room.

The girls weren't allowed to go anywhere unless they had someone with them.

He took the elevator.

The man walked outside of the room, Yeonjun noticed how his clothes weren't messed up.

"You're Yeonjun, right?" The man spoke stopping him in between.


"Here..." Removing a stack of cash from his suitcase, he handed it to Yeonjun.

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