CH-21 [The End]

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[Yoohyeon's POV]

It's now the last month of her pregnancy, I've been really anxious about the future.

I have no idea how I'm going to deal with the child after it's born.

I have realised, if i want Minji, which i actually do. I will improve myself for her.

Although i still have alot of things against her child, Yuyan and Mikasa has told me not to hate the child and they're right, whatever i am thinking is because of Jihoon. It's not the child's fault.

"What are you doing?"

I looked at Minji beside me, she sat over the couch. She probably caught me zoning out, while i have my laptop over my lap.

"Nothing... Some work..." I replied back.

She was eating an apple. She kept her hand over her abdomen, i figured out that now she was going to ask me if i want to feel the kicks.

"Do you want to feel the kicks...?" She smiled at me.

I smiled at her, "Yes..."


[Yuyan's POV]

Me and Yoohyeon were sitting here over the chairs, she was very much nervous and was sweating heavily.

The doctors were performing c-section over Minji. Last night i got a call from Yoohyeon that Minji was feeling immense pain into her stomach, she couldn't even sit up straight.

Yoohyeon admitted Minji and i joined them later on. Minji passed out few times.

"Will Minji be okay?" Yoohyeon turned to face me and gripped over my hands, "Yes Yoohyeon don't worry. She will be good." I reassured her but i had no idea what was going to happen.


[Minji's POV]

My head was buzzing, i was feeling like my abdomen's skin was being pulled, i felt some warm tears over my face. When i tried to touch it, i could feel a heavy weight on my hand,  i looked at my hand, alot of tubes were joined and it was paining.


I heard a voice and turned around to face this person, i felt a little dizzy. I could see Yuyan holding a baby in her hand, she walked towards me.

"Do you want to hold him...?"

Suddenly it hit me that i just gave birth, i couldn't help but smile at Yuyan, i gave her a nod and raised my hands towards her. I slowly sat up.

She handed him to me, i gently wrapped my arms around my baby. She was holding him as well, "It's a boy. The doctors told me not to let you hold him completely. Your stitches are still fresh..."


[Yuyan's POV]

I could see in her eyes that she actually loved the child alot, she was sobbing uncontrollably while she looked at him in her arms.

She looked at me for few seconds.

"Yoohyeon?" She whispered with a disappointed voice.

"She's outside..." I replied.

"Did she hold him?" She asked.

"She did Minji, the doctor placed the child into her hands because you passed out..."

After i said that, she was very much surprised and was happy about it.

"Should I send her inside?" I asked Minji. "Yes..."

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