"I'm so sorry that happened to you!" - Part 2

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With Francis being the representation of France; which is known as the country of love, you can only try to imagine how upset he was on your behalf. 💔

He could hardly believe that Germany could something so horrible to such an amazing, talented, and awesome person like you!

How could he do that to you!?

You and France hung out and talked about everything from the party, the arguments, and the text messages.

He told you that you could stay at his house for as long as you'd like until you're ready to go somewhere else.

You couldn't ask for a better friend! 😊



Oh boy-

Needless to say...



He offered too... um... "introduce" Italy to Mr. Magic Pipe of Pain!

You kindly turned down the offer though. 🙂

After all, why stain such a nice coat-

Jk, jk

Or am I? 🤭

But in all seriousness, he was very upset for you. 😢

He found it unfair that you had to deal with all this mess.

He made sure that his "friends" (a.k.a the poor Baltic babies 👼🏼) made you feel at home and safe from all the drama.

You and Ivan also discussed using your time at his home to do something that takes your mind off of everything.

And that led to many, many hours of learning how to knit. 🧶


You and Canada were super close friends! 🥞

Both of you loved to hang out whenever you both had free time during the week.

With Mathew, the day was never boring!

Trying and making pancakes, watching movies and shows, attempting to give his pet polar bear, Kuma, a bath!

You guys were super close!

He was always there for you, and you were always there for him! 👯

So, when you showed up at his house practically falling apart, chest heaving, face drenched in tears, puffy-eyed, and red-cheeked, he knew it must've had something to do with Japan.

Canada knew you and Japan had run into some issues because you'd sometimes tell him some of the things that were happening.

It took a while for you to calm down enough to explain what went down.

And of course, he was almost just as devastated as you were. 😭

Canada really wanted to see you and Japan make it!

But it seemed that it might not happen.

But he also wanted to know why Japan cheated.

He did not seem like the type to be unfaithful!

It just didn't make sense!

But now wasn't the time for that.

Right now, is the time to cheer up an amazing friend who's between a rock and a hard place.

And what better way than making pancakes and cuddling a fluffy bear! 🐼 (I know it's a Panda, but they don't have anything else, so-)

*I can't check my notifications because my entire bar is filled!! I need to stop pulling up so many things! 😭😭😭

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