The Real Pooja And Foes Of Yugas

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Swayamvar... Where she will choose my would-be husband. As soon as she reached Panchal this bomb was dropped on her. The urge to scream was a lot. If only it was her place. Sakha and her sakhis are the only ones she trusts here. Not anyone else. But what to do, it's not her place yet...  And now this new member,


She never thought of having one in her previous life.

The more people you held dearer, the more ways, people find to blackmail you.

She smirked again as she looked at Chandra adoring its beloved Rohini.


What hypocrisy it is...

Choosing my husband, huh? Does she have a choice?  After all, she will be garlanding the one who will shoot the aim. He could be anyone, just anyone.

Where is my choice here? But no worries. I am not a woman of this era. I am Pooja Roy. I went through hell to become what I was and now Dwaparyug should be ready to see my fire.

Her so-called husband could do whatever he wants but once he cross his limits no one could save him from her plot. So 'dear future husband' hope you follow dharma...

The winds turned violent playing with her lovely waves as if agreeing with her. The twin rose petals lit up in a dark smirk and her eyes lighted uphumormour. The woman glowed not by the divine grace of Rohini but by the power she holds. The dark aura contrasted against the soft supple skin and the innocent big doe eyes looked different. Darkness against innocence...

The palace of gold glowed under the rays of the sun god and was jeweled in flowers and diyas. Everyone was dreaming of the prince that will win their princess. Well, except the princess herself who was keener on the escape plan, she had made the previous night. And no one could stop her and no one did as she slyly got out of that illustrious palace.

The whole Panchal was bubbling in a cocoon of joy and festivals. The markets were filled with crowds and among them was the veiled princess of Panchal. She looked around everywhere taking a swift smell of the spices as the intricate designs on the silken clothes pleased her mind.

She looked around and saw a group of people forming a line in front of the wide road. She came forward and looked amused at the path being blessed with petals of delicate flowers which were also found in large amounts with people who were getting anxious to welcome the royalties. She stood there too with them and see the royalties outside her family and her Sakha. Surely, they were different.

She witnessed Rukmi, the brother of her sakhi and didi, Rukmini. Not someone she would like to get hitched to but then again she doesn't want to get hitched. No one asked her that and just told her to get married. That's it. when was a woman's opinion ever taken even in a decision that concerned her?

The golden chariot pulled the king across the people to the palace. Following him was Shishupal, another arrogant prince. Decked in the best silk and jewelry.  Soon she witnessed the king and princess coming from kingdoms all over Aryabhatta for her swayamvar.

They are more ready for my swayamvar than I am.

She held her thick veil closer as she heard the faint murmurings of people.

Kauravs were coming...

Draupadi witnessed the most expensive and jeweled of all chariots grace the path. The chariot was heavenly beautiful and the one who sat upon it wore the finest of all silk with designs so accurately small and intricate she doubted it being handmade. They were adorned with large crowns. She didn't know why but she felt disgusted at their sight. The urge to punch them in the nose was a lot. She backed away before she could listen to her heart and do it but the announcement of the last princes made her stay. The princes of karimpur. She had heard about them a lot. Rumors flew about them like a disease. They were told as one of the most powerful princes and had a tie with Hastinapur through marriage.

She stepped forward in the crowd to get a glimpse of them. All the people were awestruck looking at the dazzling princes whose eyes were that of emerald. Sharp jaws and midnight hair. The maidens swooned upon witnessing the smirk on those faces as they entered the city just like a lion in the forest. They were adorned in the best of the best just like many others. While the crowd fell under the charisma of the princes someone looked at them with eyes shocked out.

Krishnaa put a hand on her mouth and ran away from there to the back of the palace mindless of the fact that people could witness her. She ran and ran as she pushed people in the way not caring about anything. She reached the back of the palace hidden with herbs and greenery and swiftly climbed to the balcony through the rope. Finally,  she took a deep gulp of breath and pinched herself...


"No... No... How could it happen... WHY???????


Draupadi looked to the side to witness her Sakha but before that, he embrace her in a protective hug as if a father protecting his little daughter against the world. She hugged him back too and drenched his angavastra as she cried and cried. Every pain, every abuse, every harassment... Everything she faced in kalyug punched straight through the heart and released as droplets through the orbs that once bear fire in them. He rubbed her back continuously trying to soothe her as she tried to tell him everything but the barriers of heavy breath and hiccups stop her.

"I know... Hush... I know everything... Calm down sakhi, Calm down. I am there with you... Always, no matter what."

She held onto him like a baby holding on to her father. Her madness seized and a blankness was witnessed on her face by her beloved Sakha. But the tears flew down her eyes like a waterfall. Neverending just like her sorrows. He felt pity for her but he knows her power and he trusts her.

She stood up and went inside as he went to Rukmini to tell him about the current happenings and the next one so she could be there for her when needed.

Draupadi washed her face many times as if the droplets will wash the old memories along with the dirt. She was wiping her face when she heard her sister calling or rather shouting her name. She witnessed her elder sister coming near her and greeting her but looked like Sikhandini was in no mood for greetings.

"Where were you the whole time?"

"Discovering the city of Panchal."

"Draupadi!! You just can't go out all alone and roam in the kingdom!! "

"Why not jiji? I know how to take care of myself and I took weapons"

"Princesses are not supposed to do that and especially not the one who is going to get married. Who knows if someone would have seen you what rumors would have circulated?"

"A princess is supposed to get married and not become a commander jiji. She is expected to get married to the one who wins her no matter how and neither if she falls in love with someone else"

"What... "

"If we keep tolerating every foolish rule they throw at us then they will take us for granted. Some rules are meant to be broken."

"I can't with you... Do what you want Deaupadi but your Swayamvaar is on the sixteenth day."

"I am waiting for it Jiji."

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