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Start from the beginning

"Forget the lady man! Atleast she showed us where all the money could be! Look at all the places we could go to! There's probably a safe around somewhere too."

"Yeah that's great and all, but we need to be quick, she's probably done called the police on us. And fuck's sake man! Loose that freaky music spider thing already!"

"Ugh! Fine. Guess I'll just leave it on the vents."

I immediately hid behind one of the booths and looked down to the first floor, where I saw two men that were clothed in black with cartoonish masks and equipped with duffle bags. Shit. Now how the hell did they get in?

Is (Y/n) safe!?

I swear if they did anything to her I would--

"What!? We can't leave a trace that we were here you dumbass!"

"Dude we broke a window to get in and about to steal money, were leaving all kinds of traces behind!"

"Either way, just lose the damn thing already!"

"Alright! Goddamn..."

I watched as they went through one of the doors bellow the balcony, effectively cutting off my view of them. I'll have to deal with them later. First, I really need to find (Y/n). I need to make sure she was safe.

I cautiously stepped down the escalator down to the first floor and stepped as quietly as I could. Just then, I saw a figure running across the room, trying their best to hide behind all the furniture and sometimes even the bots. They're a bit too tall for a kid..so that could only be....


She turned her head to me once my voice echoed and reached her. A terrified look still crossed her face when she saw me. And here I thought she'd be leaping for joy when I came into view.

"Van--Vanessa?" Her voice shook and stuttered. (Y/n) was frozen in place and I even noticed that she backed away a little when I approached her.

"(Y/n)! Oh I'm so glad you're safe! I thought something might have happened to you!" I wrapped her in an embrace and held her tight while I whisper shouted with happiness. She didn't seem to reciprocate at first but then she lightly hugged me back. I pulled away and held her face.

"Are you okay? Did those two guys hurt you?! Where did you go!? Didn't I tell you to stay put?!"

"I--I-I heard voices..an-and uh..I ran because I was scared. D-don't worry they...they weren't able to get me though." She stammered and fiddled with her hands. I hugged her again.

"Oh good on ya! You were able to stay safe!" I sighed and held her there. Although, I noticed her change in behavior. She wasn't all over me like I expected. She was probably too freaked out from tonight. Maybe its a good time to get her out of here.

"Alright love, come with me now. We need to get you somewhere safe!"

"Wa-wait! What if they come back?!"

"Don't worry about that just come with me already!"

"Let go!"

"Why are you struggling so much?! I'm just trying to keep you safe!

(Y/n) continued to pull at her hand, desperately trying to get away from me.

"Vanny! Let go of me!"

I froze up and slowly turned to look at (Y/n) who was just as in shock as me.

She frantically tried to correct herself, but I already heard what she said.

That name.

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