"I'm just saying if you can't handle the-"

"I'm going to stop you right there. Considering this isn't the first time you, or any of you for that matter, have challenged my ability to do my job." I stood and balled my fists against the table. "I'm doing perfectly fucking fine. It's you all who keep bringing me shit proposals that we don't need, it takes up extra space in my company when it could easily be giving to someone worth while."


"No." I shook my head firmly as I spoke with my tone solid. "I'm the CEO, you're all under my contracts, which can be easily terminated. Remember that next time you decided to step out of place and test me." I was honestly over all of the attitude and misogynistic challenges over who could do better at what. I never wanted to take the asshole route but at this point, there was no other way to go.

"Now if you all will excuse me, I have places to be." I said as I walked towards the door.

"What are you gonna do when your sister finally earns her freedom. Considering her trial is coming up, do you really not think she won't try to gain her part of the company back?"

I scoffed and turned towards them, my hand resting on the door handle. "Well, considering my sisters track record with trials, she won't be getting out anytime soon. Not any way that is legal. On the other hand if she did, she wouldn't be allowed any rights to the company considering her criminal record and the fact she is a convicted felon." I stated and the man's eyes grew wide. "Yea, I did my research after your last attempt to bring her up. So as I said, sit the fuck down, shut up and learn your place. Got that?"

The room fell incredibly still and silent. I didn't even bother with farewells as I left the room and marched out towards the elevator fixing the cuffs of my suit and tugging on my tie. The elevator door dinged, signaling for my entry and I swapped places with a group of people coming in. By the tags clipped onto them, they were the contractors I was supposed to be meeting with. I honestly couldn't help but chuckle to myself that they were about to be turned right back around and sent on their way.

I took out my phone, checking the time. I had three minutes until the photo shoot started, it would take me three minutes to get out of this building. But I could be a little late right? Better late than not at all.

Once I hit the ground floor and the doors opened, I practically raced out to my car. Once I got in, I flipped the visor down and check my appearance. I looked tired, but it wasn't noticeable enough unless you paid close attention.

By the time I had arrived at the shop Hyunjin was currently having his shoot I had noticed the flowers being delivered as well. As much as I wanted to take them and hand deliver them myself, I knew I couldn't. Not in the public eye, but I made sure to stay right behind the delivery guy as we walked towards towards the room arriving at the same time as them.

Felix was seated on the couch flipping through a magazine as photographers and makeup artists were roaming around in a paced manner. I cleared my throat as I sat down beside him and ran my hand through my hair.

Felix looked up at me and widened his eyes. "Holy shit! You made it." He whispered and I gave him a smile.

"Yea. Where is he?" I asked, looking around then proceeding to watch as a woman picked up the flower arrangement and carried them towards a back room.

"They are getting him ready. Should be out soon." He smiled. "How did you.."

"Well, I realized that I pretty have the power to say fuck it all and clear my schedule if I want to." I chuckled.

"Well, I mean yea." He laughed and turned a page in his magazine. I took ahold of his current outfit, styled to look both masculine and fem at the same time. He seemed to be easing into being comfortable wearing such things out into the public.

People flooded from the hallway as Hyunjin walked out in all his elegance, talking to a specific worker about something I couldn't hear as he was led onto the plain white platform. His eyes found mine and they widened with happiness.

After a few words and hand gestures, he came speed walking up to me. Hyunjin pulled me off the couch into what seemed like a friendly hug to others. "Thank you for the flowers." He whispered and I just hummed, as I pulled away knowing too much contact would start to look suspicious.

"Mr. Hwang! We should start now if we are too leave here at the scheduled time!" A female called out to him and he sighed.

"We will talk after?" He said walking backwards, blowing me an invisible kiss before turning to face the staff and taking his place in front of the cameras.

I sat back down next to Felix, whose eyes were now fully on our liver as he flipped through different poses for photos and film shots. In between certain ones, he's look at them and decided which ones to redo.

I can to realize how much I missed watching him do this. The attitude he upheld and the way he was able to have the perfect poise for something like this. Not to mention, the outfits the stylists pick out for him always leave me wanting to take it off of him. Just sneak him into a back room and do things we know we shouldn't be doing but the risk of getting caught would be such a thrill.

"Fuck I've been hanging around Minho too much." I nervously said under my breath.

"Yea, I think I know exactly what you mean." Felix said as but down in the tip of his thumb, he was looking at Hyunjin the exact same way I was thinking about him. "He's too fucking sexy for his own good."

I groaned and fell back against the couch starting up at the ceiling adverting my eyes to the ceiling. My attention occasionally falling back to watch him as he worked and as much as I loved it, my body became a little more stir crazy every time I'd look.

"You know something?" I chuckled and Felix hummed. "I'd honestly rather be stuck here, becoming hornier by the second than dealing with my job."

Felix bursted out laughing at that and held his stomach, I laughed with him. A few of the workers glancing in our direction, almost looking the wanted to scream at us to shut up but we didn't.

"I mean if you want me to fix your problem... there's a staff closet out in the hallway." Felix said as he raised a brow at me and it was tempting.

"As tempting as that sounds, Hyunjin would smack the shit out of the post of us for doing that at a place of work... and without him."

He chuckled and looked in Hyunjin's direction. "Very true. I honestly thinks he behaves this way specifically because we are here to watch."

"Quite possible." I admitted and looked at my husband. His flirtatious eyes on us for a split second before turning his attention back to camera on him.

"He's a tease and he knows it." Felix whispered and then we fell silent. "He's paying for this shit when we get home."

"Hmm, sounds fine by me." I said and had a thought and turned to him. He looked at me and instantly knew what the look on my face meant. "You thinking what I'm thinking?"

"I know exactly what you're thinking." He admitted with a smirk. We both smiled mischievously as we looked at Hyunjin. When he noticed us, he cocked a brow in confusion and curiosity.

Oh if only he knew what just got himself into.


[Author's Note]

I'm sorry this chapter took a little longer to write. A small child and lack of sleep have been kicking my ass all week 😂

My best friend calls me Bang Chan because of the little amount of sleep I get sometimes. Sometimes it's not my fault though. But hey! Here's the update! It's a bit shorter than the last few chapters but it's still an update!

Anyway! Imma get back to writing since I've actually had a decent sleep these past couple days and have the energy and motivation to write.

You'll hear from me again soon Honeybees!
With All My Love ~ Cece

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