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Three days had passed since his weak interview.

At least that's what Akutagawa calls it. Atsushi thought it went pretty well.

He was mostly waiting for a response back, to see if he had actually gotten the job. So far he got nothing, it made him nervous. Akutagawa wasn't around much either. He had a show in 3 days to prepare for with Chuuya, whoever that was. He mainly spent the last three days sleeping and playing with Rashoumon. I mean, what else could he do?

At the moment, Atsushi had no clue what time it was. Last time Atsushi checked, Rashoumon was next to him and they were both sleeping. That was until Rashoumon decided to start meowing and scratching at the door.

Atsushi tried to ignore it, he thought that eventually she would give up and hopefully come back to bed.

She didn't. He swears the meowing got even louder the more he tried.

Stubborn cat. He thought, finally giving in and getting out of bed. Oddly enough, her stubbornness did remind him of a certain someone.

He walked towards the door and opened it, to which Rashoumon immediately slid through. Atsushi thought that was the end of it and was going to go back to sleep but Rashoumon started meowing again.

You've got to be fucking kidding.

Atsushi peeked his head out the door, making eye contact with Rashoumon who was looking at him with her big red eyes.

"What do you want?" he said, voice cracking a bit from not using it in forever.

Rashoumon just meowed and started walking away.

Atsushi sighed, knowing she wanted him to followed her. So he did. Not like he had much of a choice though.

"I should be back late tonight." Akutagawa coughed as he put on his shoes, ready to leave.

It was 6 in the morning and Akutagawa, for some reason, woke Atsushi up for this. "Is that all you wanted to tell me? You couldn't have written me a note or something?" He stood there, yawning and rubbing his eye. He was holding Rashoumon as they both had been sleeping together before hand and neither of them seemed to want to lose the others warmth.

Akutagawa rolled his eyes. "No, I woke you up so that you could fix your awful sleep schedule. If you're weak interview went well enough to get you a job, you have to adjust."

Atsushi yawned again, "How do you know I'm not going to work night shifts."

Akutagawa sighed impatiently, "It's a restaurant. They're not even open that late at night." He paused and checked his phone for the time. "I'm going to be late because of you" he glared, "Gin will also be out. She has a her own things to take care of."

Finally grabbing the door knob and opening the door, he looked at Atsushi one more time "Rashoumon's in charge. Don't break anything." With that he was gone.

Leave it up to Akutagawa to put the cat in charge. He literally could've put that all in a note. Plus it wasn't Atsushi's first time alone in the house.

Rashoumon let out a meow. Atsushi translated it to 'Pet me and get back to bed.'

"I know, I know. I'm going." Atsushi yawned, putting a hand on her head to which she responded with a purr.

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