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Today was quite the day.

I arrived on the campus a little behind schedule, but altogether proud of myself for making it at the minimum 30 minutes after when I planned on arriving. Then I had to HIKE up 3 flights of stairs to get to my dorm. 3! I don't know if I'll make it through this whole year. Then, I met my roommate. He was HOT. His hair was amazing. It was red and tied back in a fluffy ponytail. His cloak was super elegant, and red to match his hair. Plus, his glasses were adorable. But enough gay rambling. I have to unpack.

I take my small bag and toss it onto my bed, which was like, the ONLY thing they gave us. They really spared no expenses in these dorms. A broken elevator AND nothing but the essential furniture? I know where MY moneys going. I unzip my bag and take out my flute. Yes, I understand the stereotype of male flutes being gay, but I didn't know that when I picked my instrument way back in middle school. Anyways, I'll have to ask Red Son if he'll mind me practicing flute. Even if he is, I'll probably end up waiting for him to go to a class or something so I don't bother him.

I look at the bland dresser sitting next to my bed, and toss some of my clothes into it. I look for the bathroom and find it's in the hall. I lug my bag into the hallway and unload the rest of my meager belongings into the bathroom.

Done, I think as I look at my barren room.

I walk out into the living room, not sure what to do. I end up sitting on the floor like an idiot. Of course, Red Son walks out and sees me sitting on the ground.

"Done packing?"


"Wanna get dinner?"


"There's this really good place down the road called Pigsys Noodles. Wanna check it out?"


We run down the stairs and step outside the building into the cool evening air. I see Red Son's breath come out in puffs.

"Wanna take my car?" He asks.

"Sure," I say, a bit flustered that I'm not being more responsive.

"Be warned, it's quite impressive," he says with a smirk.

My heart melts. "I'm sure."

We walk to his car, and I decide that I should attempt to make small talk. "So, what's life like at home?"

"Not great. My parents are really controlling, and push me to be better all the time. Nothing is ever good enough for them. That's why I came here. It's as far away from them as I could get," Red Son says with a melancholy smile, "how about you?"

"I never really had a family. I never knew my biological parents. As far back as I remember I've just been bouncing around foster homes. My grades were never great. Home was hard enough without extra work, so I never did it. I didn't take any classes very seriously, that is until senior year. I knew I wasn't going to get into a good college if I didn't get my grades up, so I worked super hard to be better. Now, I'm here trying to graduate with a degree in music in education so I can teach middle school band," I respond, not quite realizing how much I'm venting until I'm done, "sorry, I've been talking for too long."

Red Son looks amused. "It's fine. Look, we're here."

We stepped through the glass doors into a small looking noodle shop. There was a tough looking man behind the register, and another man with glasses sitting at the counter.

Red Son strolls up to the register, possessing a level of confidence I could only dream of. "I'll take your spiciest noodles, please."
He turns to me. "What do you want?"

I look at the menu. "Uhh I'll...have whatever he got?"

Red Son laughed. "You don't know what you're doing, do you?"

I protest, "I do, I used to work at a noodle shop back home!"

The man behind the register perks up. "You don't say. Would you be interested in working here?"

"I don't see why not, as long as it doesn't conflict with any of my classes," I reply.

"Bring in your resume tomorrow," the man says.

"Alright then," I say, quite done with this whole social interaction thing. Red Son and I take our seats.

"Are you fine with me practicing my flute from time to time?" I ask hurriedly.

Red Son smirks. "You play flute?"

"Does it matter?"

"I guess not. I don't mind as long as you don't mind me practicing my alto sax," Red Son replies.

"You play alto sax?" I say, looking him up and down, "I see it."

"Here comes our food," Red Son says as the man who was behind the counter approaches us with two bowls of noodles.

I pick up my chopsticks and start eating. I realize that these noodles are WAY too spicy for me, but I'm too stubborn to let Red Son know he's right, so I just suffer.

Red Son stares at me and chuckles. "You sure those noodles aren't too spicy? I can order you something else if you want."

I furiously shake my head, but I can't stop myself from shedding a tear.

"Cmon, let's get you something else. You look adorable, though," he says with a wink.

I didn't think it was possible for my face to get any redder. He takes my hand and pulls me along to the cash register. Platonically, of course.

"Let me order for you," Red Son says, laughing.

I look down in shame as we walk back to our table. The noodles Red Son orders me are much better than the ones I tried to eat. I'm amazed by how he isn't phased by the spice levels of those noodles. Eventually we both finish and exit to his car.

"Hey, once we get back to our place, do you wanna watch a movie or something with me?" Red Son asks quickly, looking embarrassed.

"Sure," I say back, equally as flustered.

We pull into the parking structure and get out of his car. We walk into the building and prepare to climb up the three flights of stairs to get to our room. We jolt up the stairs and finally get to our rooms.

"Do you wanna just watch it in my room?" Red Son asks.

"Probably, I'm sure it looks better than my room," I respond sheepishly.

We walk down the small hallway to Red Son's room. I'm amazed by how he got it to look so well furnished in the hour we've been living here for. He has a desk in one corner of the room and his bed in the other. His closet is fully stacked with red jackets. He has a bookshelf next to his desk, and a beanbag chair on the other side of it. He picks up his laptop off of his desk and sits down on his bed, patting the space beside him.

I hesitantly approach him and sit down.

"What do you want to watch?"

"I'm fine with anything."

So obviously we watched Shrek.

AN: Sorry this chapter is so long and there's nothing more than totally platonic friendship going on between Red Son and MK, I don't want to rush their romance. But you do get to meet Mei soon. Maybe.

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