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Red Son POV


It's my first day of college at UC Kingsley, and I am terrified.

My only hope is that my roommate is just as terrified as I am, and is not some shitty person who throws parties and gets drunk. Please let my roommate be someone with some care for their health, reputation, and education. I feel like asking for something wealthy is too much, but hey, can you blame me for not wanting to room with some peasant. Oh well, high school has developed my pain tolerance enough, so I should be fine with whatever the dorms throw at me.

I step out of my car (a red corvette, mind you), and shift the bags on my shoulder. I look up at the towering building before me and sigh. Getting a room on the third floor is a sure sign that the odds will not be in my favor this year. I make my way into the building.

Thank god, there's an elevator, I think all too soon. After 5 minutes of awkwardly trying to push the up button, an older looking girl walks by me.

"Hey genius, that elevators been broken for 3 years," she shouts as she makes her way to the door labeled "stairs".

My face flushes. I awkwardly shuffle behind her, towing my 3 bags, and start climbing. The silence in the stairwell is just enough to kill me, but she finally gets off at floor 2.

"Good luck," she scoffs as she leaves.

Fabulous. I can tell this year is going to be great.

Another flight of stairs later, I finally get to my floor, floor 3. Looking for my door, I spot my room number, 16. I walk over, shuffling to balance my bags while trying to get my keys. Eventually, I shove my keys into the lock and jam open the door.

"Hey, you!" I hear a voice down the hall call out.

I turn and see a cute boy come running up to me. "Is this your dorm?"

I look him up and down. He's a short ish boy with fluffy black hair tied up into a bandanna. He's wearing a yellow jacket to some gym probably from his hometown. He has striking amber eyes. I hold his gaze for too long.

This isn't you, Red Son. Act natural. He's JUST your roommate.

"Yes, why?" I ask with just a tinge of annoyance. Why else would I be unlocking the door?

"Because that means we're roomies!" The boy exclaims, oblivious to my sarcasm.

"Great, what's your name?" I ask, at least relieved to see that my roommate isn't some washed up rat.

"MK. What's yours?"

"Red Son,"

"That's a cool name! You need help with all those bags?" He asks.

I notice he's only carrying one bag, and a small one at that. "Where's all your stuff?"

He blushes, and looks ashamed. "Well, I didn't really pack much, at home we really didn't have all that much-"

I do my best not to roll my eyes, taking pity on the poor boy. "Well, we always had more than enough at home, so if you need anything just let me know or something," I offer, though we both know that he'll never take me up on it.

"Thanks. Do you need me to take one of those?" He shuffles, looking quite awkward.

"Sure," I hand him my least valuable bag, not quite trusting him much yet.

With a final push, I shove the door open and nearly collapse in the doorway. The dorm isn't much, there's a small kitchen, living room, and hallway leading to two rooms, but it's where I'll be settling for the rest of the year so it'll have to do.

"This is...nice," MK says, probably not knowing what else to say about the barren walls and empty carpet.

"Oh, it will be nice once I'm through with this place. I'm gonna buy all new furniture for this place, because this will not do," I cringe inwardly at my comment. Of course it won't do. It's a fucking empty room.

"Oh that's nice of you," MK says, "I'm gonna go to my room now, but it was nice meeting you."

"Nice meeting you too," I say halfheartedly as the door shuts behind him.

No time to waste. I better start unpacking. I think as I head down the hall to my own room. But I can't take my mind off of my new roommate. He seemed like he was hiding some unpacked childhood trauma. I have to do something else. I can't just keep thinking about him. Besides, I'm probably over analyzing things. I tend to do that a lot. I get to my room and open the door to see the most barren, ugly room I've ever seen.

Time to get to work.


AN: sorry for the short chapter! This is my first fic and I'm trying my best :). I will try to update often. There were no other good spicynoodle fanfics, so I decided to make my own.

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