Author's Notes

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And here we are, at the KazuScara section of the Boy in The Window Cinematic Universe 🥳

In case it wasn't clear, this book takes place about at the time of the prologue for Spirit Case.

Just as a little warning, this book might touch on some heavy topics.

It's a book about human experimentation.

So clearly it's about kittens 🙄💅

Okay but seriously, there is a kitten in the book.

It's a pretty prominent character too.

Now I'm not fully sure whether you can read this book without having read The Boy in The Window or Spirit Case, but considering the fact that neither Scaramouche nor Kazuha remember the events of The Boy in The Window and they aren't technically in Spirit Case, I think it's fine.

Anyways, enough rambling from me, enjoy Undesirable Experiment!!!

(Fun fact. This story was started on March 15th, 2023. I am saying this because I'm currently on Chapter Seven of Spirit Case. I was going to only release this book after Spirit Case was done, but now that I think about it, I can write them at the same time, I'm sure 😙💅)

Also by the way, in this book, Scaramouche has the standard long hair. Like, really long hair. Raiden Shogun length hair.

The Undesirable Experiment (KazuScara)Where stories live. Discover now