Chapter 12: New Orders

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I walked up the tower Dumbledore's office was in, stopping in front of the Stone Gargoyle guarding the entrance. 

"Lemon Drops", I said. The Gargoyle dropped and revealed the staircase leading up to his office. The room itself was interesting. The walls were decorated with bookshelves and in the center, there was a desk with papers thrown about. What caught my attention was the Phoenix next to the desk.  

 I reached my hand out walking closer. The phoenix seemed to share my curiosity. It turned its head to look at me and whenever I'd tilt my head it would mirror my actions. 

"I see you've met Fawkes", I turned around to see Dumbledore, McGonagall, and Snape coming up the ladder. 

"You have a Phoenix?", I ask. 

"Yes, Fawkes here is my familiar not unlike you and your cat Kuro", Dumbledore said walking over to his desk and taking a seat. "Now to what I wanted to discuss", Dumbledore said. McGonagall and Snape had made their way to the chairs not that far away. 

"I need you to use your ability to help patrol the halls at night, and to watch any students wandering alone", Dumbledore said with no glimmer in his eyes as he normally had. 

"wakarimasta", I said. I turned around prepared to leave as someone placed a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Snape and McGonagall standing next to me. 

"Ablus, I disagree with having him patrol late at night especially alone", McGonagall said looking down at me. 

"Kaiyo wouldn't be the one patrolling. I am merely asking for his shadows to watch over the halls in the night", Dumbledore reasons. 

 "And how long would they need to patrol the school grounds", Snape asked. 

"Only till the monster or its master is found", Dumbledore answers. The two didn't seem to be satisfied with his answer, but reluctantly accepted it. 

"If that is all may I return to the dorms", I say. 

"Yes, that is all, Severus make sure he returns to the dorm safely", Dumbledore says waving us off. Snape followed me out of the tower, and back to the Dungeons. I was about to head up the stairs when he called out to me. 

"I hope there won't be an incident like last year", he said looking at me with an expression I didn't understand. Chuuya-san would often have the same expression. 

"I course", I said heading up to my dorm. 

I made my way to the door of our dorm. I was about to knock but stopped myself before my knuckles could touch the door. They should all be asleep by now, right? I opened the door to see everyone asleep. Draco was sleeping on his stomach, close to the edge of the bed with an arm hanging off. Blaise was sleeping on his back lightly snoring as he occasionally tossed and turned. Theo was sleeping on his side, on his side table there was a half-open book open with a bookmark in the middle. 

On my bed, Kuro was curled up slightly shivering. I walked up lightly rubbing Kuro's ears, He moved around a bit but didn't wake up. I pulled the blanket up covering his bottom half, and he stopped shivering. 

I walked into the bathroom the room illuminated by a dull glowing stone on the ceiling. I let the water run into the tub, brushing my teeth as I waited for the water to rise. I finished just as the water filled most of the tub up. I took off my clothes throwing them in my laundry basket. 

I let my body submerge in the warm water, letting the lower half of my face sink under the water. I closed my eyes and let my head slip under and for just a moment it felt like the world was at peace. No monster, no Port Mafia, no magic. Nothing. 

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