2. Ghostface X Detective!Reader

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Requested by Pusheentrash
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  When you first proclaimed that you were going to get to the bottom of the Ghostface killer mystery, everyone in your department had laughed. There was no sense trying to investigate if there were no active killings, you wouldn't find anything. That's what everyone had told you, but you refused to give up that easily.

Several months back, another detective had attempted the same thing. He was determined to uncover who this killer was before they had the chance to strike again. You had been at a different precinct at the time, but your colleagues were quick to tell you how it turned out for him. He became obsessed, following false lead after false lead and answering any caller who claimed to have information. His reputation fell to ruin until one day, he never came back to the office. His letter of resignation was found on his desk. Nobody could get in contact with him after that. Nobody knew what happened to him.

Your coworkers tried to warn you that this same fate could await you should you start down this path, but you were determined to find the truth. You wouldn't lose your way as this former detective had. You would remain focused and clear, just like you did with any other case.

  Although, this was hardly like any other case. Something about the Ghostface killer fascinated you, and it wasn't purely professional. You always tried your best to bury these feelings, but you had to admit the macabre captivated you like nothing else. You would be lying if you said the idea of finding Ghostface didn't give you a dangerous thrill.

  But of course, it was foolish. Just the deluded fantasies of someone with too much spare time and someone far too lonely. At least, that's what you tried to tell yourself.

Getting back to the case at hand, you put out some lines, hoping one of them would provide something substantial. You put out an ad in the paper, with an email and a phone number to contact you if anyone had any information. You posted the same contact info on a couple of online forums as well. Then, you sat back and waited.

Weeks went by without hearing a thing. You'd get the occasional crank call, spouting ludicrous ideas about Ghostface's identity, but you knew they were nothing but bogus tips. Then again, it would be pretty impressive for Ghostface to turn out to be Luke Skywalker, considering he wasn't real and all.

Then there came the day you got that fateful email. A young man who claimed his sister was killed by Ghostface two years ago. Cross-referencing with the police database, you found that there was a female victim about two years ago with the same name. Wishing to remain anonymous, the young man explained that he wanted justice for his sister. He would be willing to do whatever he could to help. He just wanted to find this guy.

Writing up a reply, you asked some basic questions. Where was his sister found, was there anything strange about the crime that he overheard the police talking about? It took a few days before you finally heard back from him.

His sister was found eviscerated in her own backyard. From the police report, they made it sound like a home robbery gone wrong, but you knew better. This had Ghostface's M.O. written all over it. The young man said nothing seemed strange to him, just that he was questioned by the police. He wasn't a suspect, though, it was just routine stuff. Did he know anybody who might want to hurt his sister, etc.

You wrote back, asking if he could remember the name of the officer who had questioned him. You thought maybe you'd be able to get in contact with whoever it was, see if they had any insight the police report might have missed. When the young man finally responded, the name you saw on your screen threw you for a loop.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2023 ⏰

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