1. Herbert X Mute!Fem!Reader

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Requested by DragonGirlsHeart2000
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A clap of thunder abruptly disturbed your slumber. You sat bolt upright, but it took your disoriented mind a moment to realize you weren't at home in your own bed. Before long, though, the memories cleared and you remembered that you were staying the night at Herbert's place.

You had been stressing about a project for your college class that you needed to get done. It wasn't the project that had you worried, but the fact that it was due for one of your earliest classes. Your housing wasn't exactly close to campus grounds and you had enough to worry about in the mornings without figuring out how to get something so cumbersome onto public transport.

Your boyfriend, Herbert had suggested you work on it at his place. He lived much closer to campus and offered to help you transport it on the short walk to school when it was done. You appreciated his willingness to help, but you also knew that this was Herbert's way of asking to spend more time with you.

Herbert wasn't exactly an overly affectionate boyfriend. He was an odd man, often coming across as cold and callous. He could be arrogant and obsessive, especially when it came to his work, but you never doubted the fact that he cared about you. It had been an adjustment, learning to read him and properly understand that he wasn't going to act like a partner in the conventional sense. But now that you knew his unique language, you could pick up on so many things he did that let you know he cared.

Like now. You realized that you must have fallen asleep on the couch after finishing your project. What you also noticed was that someone had draped a blanket over you and left a post-it note on the coffee table.

downstairs if you need me

You smiled. The fact that Herbert had thought to cover you with a blanket before attending to his experiments was something you found incredibly sweet. He didn't often do things that could be classified as domestic or even affectionate, so you cherished it that much more.

Another clap of thunder boomed outside and you jumped, quickly remembering why you had even woken up in the first place. Ever since you had been a child, thunder had always scared you. Everyone always told you that you would grow out of it, but it had unfortunately followed you to adulthood.

You jumped up from the couch and hurried down the hall to the basement door, knocking sharply. You always waited for Herbert to answer the door before venturing downstairs. You never knew what you could be walking into otherwise.

A few moments passed before Herbert finally opened the door. He always looked some degree of haggard from whatever he was working on. His sleeves were always rolled up, yet somehow still tinged with blood. You figured it best that you didn't know the specifics of his experiments, but you did worry about him. He worked too much.

"What is it?" He asked. His voice sounded annoyed as usual, but you had figured out that he always sounded annoyed when interrupted from his work. You weren't offended by it anymore.

"This might sound silly," you signed. "But...I'm afraid of the thunder."

"You're afraid of thunder?" Herbert repeated.

You nodded. You knew Herbert probably thought your fear was completely irrational and entirely foolish, but you didn't care. You just didn't want to be alone right now. He was your boyfriend and spending time with him always made you feel better, even if that spending time was just existing in the same space most of the time.

  "Would you be willing to come up? We could just watch some TV or something," you signed. "I just... I don't want to be alone."

Herbert seemed to process your request in that scientific way he did everything. You knew he didn't like being pulled away from his work, but you also knew he was willing to make certain concessions when it came to you.

"Come downstairs with me," he offered instead. "I'm in the process of soundproofing the basement and... Well, it's not done yet, but it... it might help to reduce the noise."

You struggled to keep the surprise from showing on your face. Maybe it was silly, but just the simple act of Herbert inviting you into his space felt like a big deal. Sure, inviting you over to his place was one thing, but this was just...different. Perhaps it was the fact that Herbert spent ninety percent of his time in the basement. It was more personal somehow.

  And the fact that he was doing it to try and help you was just another way that you could tell he cared without him having to say it. You were learning more and more it was the things Herbert did that mattered more over what he said. Or didn't say.

Yet at the same time, you were more than a little hesitant to accept. Sure, the promise of soundproofing sounded nice, but you weren't really keen on seeing anything Herbert had been working on.

"You don't have anything weird down there right now, right?" You signed nervously. "Like I'm not going to see something I don't want to see?"

"No, no, it's perfectly safe down there, Y/N," Herbert said, gracing you with a rare, albeit small, smile. "I promise."

  You were about to respond when another crack of thunder sounded overhead. You jumped, looking fearfully up at the ceiling. Looking back at Herbert, you quickly nodded, accepting his offer.

He stepped aside so you could make your way down the stairs. He was sure to close the door behind you, ensuring the partial soundproofing could do the best job it could. Taking a look around, you could confirm that Herbert had been true to his word. Anything weird or gross was thankfully out of sight.

"See?" He said, walking up beside you. "Perfectly safe."

"Thank you, Herbert," you signed, turning to him. "I really appreciate this."

Before either of you could say anything more, a thunderclap sounded outside. The partial soundproofing did help, as it was more muffled, but it was still enough to make you jump. Instinctively, you grabbed onto Herbert, burying your face in his chest.

Just as instinctively on his part, he went stiff before forcing himself to relax. He had told you previously that he just wasn't used to physical touch so his immediate reaction was always some degree of defensive. You tried to make a habit of asking before touching ever since then, but when thunder was concerned, you couldn't help it.

It wasn't long before you felt his arms wrap around you, holding you in a safe embrace. You realized then just how tightly you had been gripping his shirt. You quickly loosened your hold.

"You know, thunder is just a byproduct of lightning," Herbert said calmly. "The heat from lightning causes the air to expand and as it cools and contracts, that's what makes the sound. Nothing frightening, just... temperatures."

You couldn't help but smile. You knew this was Herbert's way of trying to make you feel better. Almost everything with him was interspersed with some kind of science, but you loved it. It was so utterly and completely him. Although someone else might have found it strange, you always found it sweet. After all, there were more ways to say I Love You than through words alone.

After a moment, you pulled away, but only enough to have the space to sign. "Sorry about the attack hug. And thank you. For...just all of this."

Herbert shrugged with his usual nonchalance. "It's not that big of a deal."

You smiled at him. "Is it okay if we stay like this? Just a little longer?"

He rolled his eyes, but that mischievous smile of his had made its way onto his face. "Oh, I guess. But only for a little longer."

"No promises," you signed playfully before embracing him once more.

whoo! first chapter in book 2!🎉🎉🎉

i feel like we should have a party or something lol

i hope you all enjoy! i ran into some major writer's block here, but a big thank you to one of my friends on discord for helping me break through it!💖

and remember to check back with book 1 of my slasher oneshots as there's a new update there too!😊

Slasher X Reader Oneshots | Book 2Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant