Chapter Three

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"I'm here for another shift.", I tell Timos. He stares judgingly. "Where's your dominant?", he insists.
"This is work, I didn't think he had to be with me every time.",I snap back.
"Who will you perform with then? You can't show off for the audience alone.", he informs.
"Surprise me.", I say, unclipping the velvet rope myself and making my way to an unlit doorway.
I don't care which rules I'm breaking, Lee knows better than to mess with my feelings.
I see the bouncer giving me an occasional glance, as if something is awry.
What's taking so long to open the damn door?
"Mouse!" A big voice boomed throughout the corridors.
Uh oh...
My eyes began to swell with tears already, my chest gets warm.
I snap my head around to see Lee approaching fast. He's in his day clothes, sneakers, a hoodie, and cargo shorts.
His eyebrows furrowed in anger.
"You know-" I was cut off again before being able to explain myself. I let out a shriek as Lee grabbed me by my waist and threw me over his shoulder.
"How did you find m- ouch!" I yelped as his palm struck my ass. I kick my feet in resistance.
A club worker opened the car door for him as he shoved me in the passenger seat. I moved my messy long hair out of my face.
The driver's side door slams.
"Seatbelt." he commands.
I cross my arms.
He reaches over me to put my seatbelt on for me, our eyes meet as a tear falls down my cheek.
I take a deep breath.
He sighs and starts the car.
"Why do you care where I'm at?" I start, "You were out with a girl after spending the night at mine."
Lee scans the road ahead before answering.
"I told you, she's a friend. I really was running errands, but she just put her dog down."
"That's a sad excuse,", I push.
His eyes soften. "Because you smell like liquor.", I add.
"We went for drinks, I got vodka.", he says, monotone.
"That's horseshit, you always order an Old Fashioned on the rocks. So where were you really?", I retaliate.
He rolls his eyes and steers the wheel left.
"At our last meet you told me you couldn't kiss a man who smells like rye. So I switched drinks. Is that a crime?"
"I suppose not"...I sigh in defeat.
"As for you, what were you thinking? Going to the club to do a scene without me..someone could have seriously hurt you."
I hang my head.
"Did you think I wouldn't hear? That Timos wouldn't say something? Did you think you could get away with wearing your skimpy little outfit on your adventure this morning, the servant wouldn't talk?", he shames.
"I didn't know I can't wear what I want...", I sulk.
"Oh, you can. But don't think I can't tell when you're showing off. I don't mind you bringing out your inner exhibitionist, but I like to keep it in a safe environment."
My face goes white in embarrassment.
"I am not an exhibitionist!" I argue.
"Are you gonna keep lying? Because I've already planned out a punishment for you since you've spent the day embarrassing me."
I gulp, "I was excited to make money on my own."
"That is enough. Babygirl, I don't ever want you to feel like you have to do something you don't really want for money. Especially something so unsafe. You don't have to get naked to feed yourself.", he takes a deep breath and looks away from the road for a moment. "If you'd let me, I'd like to take care of you."
I ponder a moment.
"Doesn't that defeat the point of being your sub, then? My point is to serve you. Not the opposite."
He chuckled as if he knew something I was missing.
"It's all interlaced, dear. A yin/yang type thing. We take care of each other in equal ways, but to the naked, untrained eye it appears as if the only one serving is you."
He adjusts the AC and rolls up to my residence, getting out to open the door for me. "You have some thinking to do tonight."
He runs back to his side of the vehicle before watching me walk up to the apartment.


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