Chapter Five: Blood, Sweat & Tears

Começar do início

Bartollini: Ferrari has had a dry spell before you showed up last year. I followed your success and your previous season keenly, I know how you drive, I know what you have to offer, and frankly all I see in you is potential.

You're taken aback by his positivity and his praise. He steps towards the windows that are looking out over the paddock. 

y/n: Thank you sir. 

Bartollini: No need for that stuff. You and me are in this now. It's Frank for you, don't waste your time by calling me Bartollini. 

y/n confused: Okay. 

He glances back at you. 

Frank: Jordan Grey is a fine driver – For lower ranks that is. Not for this caliber of racing though. He was branded a prodigy, before he even proved himself, and as I said, he's a fine driver, but he doesn't have the commitment and grip that it takes. 

You don't want to discuss someone's lack of qualifications right now. Jordan is Jordan to you. He's selfish and ignorant, pretty naive as well, but you're not going to gossip about his skills with your new team principal. He continues. 

Frank: Neither does he have the balls, excuse my expression there, but he doesn't have them to drive aggressively. He drives too carefully, as if he has something to loose, whereas you don't – Lucy told you the car suits aggressive driving, good defending, and good overtaking... It needs those skills, which you have. 

You nod to signify your attention.

Frank: He also lacks the common decency to be able to work in a team. He doesn't listen and his attitude is terrible – He's on the contract though, so I'm stuck with his inability to adapt and his cocky opinions that he is the best driver. That's not the point I'm making though. Sit.

You pull out a chair and the both of you sit down at the table. 

y/n: What's your point then?

Frank: Y/n, you are fast, committed, aggressive, a team player and patient. Grey has given up on the car before he has even properly tested it – You haven't though. You will be our number one driver this season, I don't care what Grey will think, nor do I care what his famous Daddy will say, you are the main focus. He's a liability. 

y/n: That's a little harsh though, calling him a liability, isn't it?

Frank: It is, but it's the truth. He's been in F1 for years now – He hasn't brought a single advantage to Ferrari, or any of his prior teams for that matter. Your efforts from last year, pushed Ferrari more than some drivers manage to do for their teams in multiple seasons. 

He pauses. 

y/n: First driver huh?

Frank: Yeah. First driver. 

You glance at him. 

Frank: This won't be easy, you know that. The car has a long road ahead of it, and it will cost us – Endless nights in the garage with mechanics, endless amounts of feedback from you and endless hours of pain and frustration.

Oh you will get on fantastically with this man as your team principle. You nod.

Frank: Jordan was right, the care suits you better, 100%. The chap was right about that, but not more than that. We didn't give you the advantage because you're a woman, or because of anything else, we gave you the advantage in the car, because you can handle it, you have the skills even though you're only 19 and you can bring a victory home. Are you ready to put in blood, sweat and tears?

y/n: Absolutely. 

Frank: We Italians need to stick together for our cars!

You start laughing – You didn't expect that in the midst of a serious conversation. 

Frank: If you need anything from me, extra time in the garage, more mechanics for something, more data – I mean anything Kid – Tell me immediately, and I'll take care of it. 

y/n: Anything for the team, right?

Frank: Anything for your career, my career, and for Ferrari. We'll keep it clean, but this season's win won't go to Mercedes or Red Bull anymore. Simons' title streak is over as of today. We are working on the reliability of this car as of this second, and your performance is there, so I expect us to win this season. Do you? Are we on the same page?

y/n: I do. I genuinely do. 

Frank: Good, get to work then Kid. 

You thank him swiftly and head back into the garage. 

Race Day: A new seasonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora